What news networks claim to lack |
32 |
Workplaces with a need for speed |
32 |
Words of affection from Luigi |
29 |
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" option |
37 |
Where to find FBI HQ |
20 |
Words on the cake in "Alice in Wonderland" (and "Animal House") |
63 |
Walter of "The Odd Couple" (1968) |
33 |
Word Up!" R&B group |
19 |
Went quickly while lying on a mattress? |
39 |
Wood carver |
11 |
Word between ''Ars'' and ''artis'' |
34 |
William Pitt's place |
20 |
Words spelled out in currants on a Wonderland cake |
50 |
White house: Var. |
17 |
With frost, a nip on the cheek |
30 |
What wardrobe might be found doing |
34 |
Watergate figure Fred |
21 |
Writer featured in the memoir "Dream Catcher |
44 |
Winds that are nearly hurricane-force |
37 |
Writer who's in the minority |
28 |
What a pursued perp might do? |
29 |
World Poker Tour champion Lindgren |
34 |
What Sutherland often hits |
26 |
When repeated, a '65 Dixie Cups hit |
35 |
Where you can find paste? |
25 |
Why Must ___ Teenager" (Red Hot Chili Peppers song) |
51 |
Without sense |
13 |
Word on an O.T. wall |
20 |
Wage __ of words |
16 |
When February 29 occurs: 2 wds. |
31 |
Way to go on dates |
18 |
Works with a hook, in a way |
27 |
What people in relationships need together ... or this puzzle's title |
69 |
What's ___?" (informal greeting) |
32 |
Washington WNBA team |
20 |
Wedding photographer, for one? |
30 |
Writer and director of "Julie & Julia," 2009 |
44 |
West ___, New Guinea |
20 |
Writing-on-the-wall word |
24 |
Well in the lead |
16 |
Write correspondance, say |
25 |
Warning after using an iron |
27 |
Wild guy? |
9 |
Worthy of reference |
19 |
Wu-Tang member aka Bobby Digital |
32 |
Word from the French for "brewhouse |
35 |
Warlock, e.g. |
13 |
Warning from a bad driver |
25 |
When the Salt Lake City Olympics took place |
43 |
What Bean Town felons have been? |
32 |
What a convertible sofa may convert to |
38 |
Wordsworth or Coleridge, as a poet |
34 |
Without being stopped by, with "of |
34 |
What's a big hit with the school board? |
39 |
What a scholarship provides |
27 |
What might help you beat the heat? |
34 |
Word with skater or coaster |
27 |
Warrant officer's superior: Abbr. |
33 |
Wine bluntly turned down in "Sideways |
37 |
Winnie-the-Pooh's donkey friend |
31 |
Wellington ___, Chinese statesman |
33 |
Wayward offspring, informally |
29 |
Winner of seven Emmy awards |
27 |
Wait till next year quip (Part 1) |
33 |
With a word about his favorite dog snacks, here's... |
52 |
Wilder's "The Bridge of San __ Rey |
34 |
Wearer of a half-inch stripe: Abbr. |
35 |
Where to sign a credit card, e.g. |
33 |
Willow and Jaden Smith's mom |
28 |
White House Press Secretary before Carney |
41 |
World capital near Lake Titicaca |
32 |
Words shouted with a raised hand |
32 |
Worries for a cardiologist |
26 |
What the connected may have |
27 |
Whom Simul-Search is made for |
29 |
Word after Pasta, in a product name, or tender, in a Bobby Brown song |
69 |
West German chancellor after Adenauer |
37 |
Where lots of stuff gets stuffed |
32 |
Wooden kitchen organizers that hold spices |
42 |
With an ___ the ground (alert) |
30 |
White House occupants in the 60's |
33 |
With Reagan: The Inside Story" memoirist |
40 |
We move the world" sloganeer |
28 |
Words of adulation |
18 |
Winnebago enthusiast, briefly |
29 |
Weasel cousins |
14 |
Who thought of "The Thinker |
27 |
With a very unpleasant smell |
28 |
War minister's problem? |
23 |
Wyandots, e.g. |
14 |
Wine cask deposit |
17 |
Where bandages may be kept |
26 |
Whole: Comb. form |
17 |
Winter drink spiced with cloves |
31 |
Word of surprise in Ireland. |
28 |
Wrath, in a hymn title |
22 |
Wayne or Denver |
15 |
Western novel that won the 1986 Pulitzer Prize: 2 wds. |
54 |
Will Smith film set in 2035 |
27 |
Works alone |
11 |