All crossword puzzle clues

text letters
Info from airlines 18
In the past: Abbr. 18
Inventor's germ 15
It's in the neighborhood: Abbr. 31
It's often caught in winter 27
It eases tension in some serious tales 38
Island entertainment symbol 27
It keeps Fido from roaming 26
It borders Ky. 14
It can give you a sense of deja vu 34
International coalition of finance ministers 44
It may involve a sacrifice 26
Insect that hops 16
Instrument played in the mouth 30
It's between a trot and a gallop 32
Ivanhoe's allies 16
It's just a guess: Abbr. 24
Inventor Sperry 15
I can turn this god into a heavenly ram 39
Inc., in St. Ives 17
Income-tax experts: Abbr. 25
Internet connector 18
Its 50 is getting a redesign in 2017 36
I have been half in love with ___ Death": "Ode to a Nightingale 63
Irrevocable commitments 23
Influence for Enya, historically 32
Initials for a practice that often involves a safe word 55
Ingredient in insect repellent 30
Inside items of information 27
I'd --- buy the world a coke 28
Italian baritone: 1879–1942 29
It may shorten a court case 27
It doesn't bare its arms 24
Insufferable type 17
Item in the lobby of a country inn 34
Iron or lead 12
It's above the knee 19
Is on the riot squad 20
It's impossible to argue with one 33
It's made from roughly 50 blossoms 34
Indian bigwig 13
It may race during a race 25
Invasion vessels 16
It works like a charm 21
Its motto is "Allahu Akbar 26
Indulge one's itchy feet 24
Install, with "up 17
Irving monogram 15
Institution for Shrek and Fiona? 32
Intruded 8
Ivy League bulldog 18
I didn't like it anyway 23
In-body film experience 23
It follows no- or low- 22
Inexperienced in 16
If I ___ You," 1945 song 24
It may accompany a new experience 33
In need of a washer, perhaps 28
It's trapped in house traps 27
It's said with a poke in the ribs 33
Increase many times 19
Innovation, perhaps 19
It's really a small area near the ulnar nerve 45
Intensive Care Unit, abbr. 26
It's bigger than the neg. 25
I'm Not There" actor Richard 28
Italian noble surname 21
It's north of the South 23
Its uniform includes pin-striped trousers 41
Indian city on the banks of theYamuna 37
Internet-era prefix 19
In dreams begin responsibility" writer 38
Is lonesome for 15
Incan climber 13
Ian in "Alien 13
Inspirational Helen 19
Insect that produces royal jelly 32
It's needed to win a lottery 28
Inspiring inexplicable fear 27
It means "uniform 17
It's along the edge of a pool table 35
I'm in love with her and ___ fine 33
I've ___!" (gull's cry) 23
It's called "High" in the UK 28
It might precede a nickname 27
In pen? 7
In want of 10
It gets ground up? 18
Is pleased with. 16
If __ make a suggestion ... 27
Italian constellation in the night sky 38
Islamic commander 17
Item with syrup 15
It's happening now 18
It debuted at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair 43
Increases the payroll 21
Item stolen while a crowd watches 33
It's bottled on a Pacific island 32
Islamic Supreme Being 21
I've seen this before" feeling 30