I have ___ for the future . . . ": Hoover |
41 |
Ice cream scoop holder |
22 |
It has axes |
11 |
Its main street marks Last Chance Gulch |
39 |
iOS competitor |
14 |
Indecisive line |
15 |
It's much requested |
19 |
It might say "You are here |
26 |
It's repelled by a cathode |
26 |
It's available after work |
25 |
Insect in a circus |
18 |
It's pumped at a filling station |
32 |
It's between money and everything |
33 |
Important tests in high school |
30 |
Italian cars |
12 |
I love his big ___"(Beyoncé lyric) |
35 |
It's across the big pond |
24 |
It might not indicate true worth |
32 |
It can show you the neighborhood |
32 |
Insect in the order Siphonaptera |
32 |
Ivory's counterpart |
19 |
It's a family affair |
20 |
Icky or sticky stuff |
20 |
IRS collection option |
21 |
Iconoclastic types |
18 |
Its wingspan can reach 30 feet |
30 |
Item listed on an I.R.S. form |
29 |
I need a short break," in chat rooms |
36 |
Italian sauce style |
19 |
It's relatively helpful |
23 |
Info request from a computer dating service: Abbr. |
50 |
It's not unusual among siblings |
31 |
It can be misleading |
20 |
It's a little less than a pound |
31 |
Inonu's predecessor |
19 |
Ike's predecessor |
17 |
It's me, Jessie, and ___" (Nicki Minaj line about the other features on "Bang Bang") |
84 |
Inconvenient, and then some |
27 |
In a caftan |
11 |
It follows the last quarter |
27 |
It opened its first store in Winston-Salem, N.C., in 1937 |
57 |
IBM's color |
11 |
It isn't really a bear |
22 |
It might give you a line |
24 |
Inits. on a bottle of Parisienne |
32 |
It's taking too long," for one |
30 |
In unison, on a score |
21 |
Indehiscent fruits |
18 |
Island whose chief port is Mahón |
33 |
In 1798 France ordered Bonaparte to invade Egypt and take control of this |
73 |
It lasts nearly eight mos. |
26 |
Irish lower house |
17 |
Important figure in a tent |
26 |
It connects to the net |
22 |
It's not a teeny wienie |
23 |
It can lead into day or night |
29 |
Ile locale |
10 |
Iago in "Otello," e.g. |
22 |
Irvin or Ty |
11 |
Item with a pole position? |
26 |
It sits in the kitchen for years |
32 |
I was born __ |
13 |
Investigator from the P.D. |
26 |
In a very unfriendly way |
24 |
It's passed in a sénat |
23 |
I'm ___ Because I Love You |
26 |
Incoming flight figs. |
21 |
It's spotted in the jungle |
26 |
In a forceful way |
17 |
It's hunted on a Sunday |
23 |
It travels in an arc |
20 |
Identity theft, e.g. |
20 |
Its flag has four fleurs-de-lis: Abbr. |
38 |
It can be on a "while |
21 |
It's about a foot at the ranch |
30 |
I'm not paying attention to you |
31 |
Incoming plane stats: Abbr. |
27 |
Instrument on a Guinness label |
30 |
It must be in the genes |
23 |
Indicate pain |
13 |
It's one funny thing after another |
34 |
It precedes dee |
15 |
In spite of anything that might happen |
40 |
Instrument played sitting down |
30 |
It's longer for women than it is for men |
40 |
It may not be able to pick up something tiny |
44 |
It was first tested in 1952 |
27 |
Immunity item on "Survivor |
26 |
Island of the Inner Hebrides |
28 |
It's nothing to Hollande |
24 |
Inspiration for a comedian |
26 |
I before E except after C," e.g. |
32 |
Island chain of a sort |
22 |
IMDb.com listing |
16 |
Island southwest of Los Angeles |
31 |
Iowa State's city |
17 |
Item in a Cannes can |
20 |
It may have a nameplate mounted on it |
37 |
It's often met "on the road taken to avoid it," per Jean de la Fontaine |
71 |
Is likely to deliver soon |
25 |