All crossword puzzle clues

text letters
Old computer operating system 29
One of two to a dance? 22
One of four purchased for a Monopoly property 45
One carrying a bag 18
Obed's father, in the Bible 27
Once Upon a Time" actress Parrilla 34
Olmos role of '88 17
Old Microsoft product 21
One in rehab for chatting too much? 35
One trying to make a living? 28
Only Dwarf without a beard 26
Only a Fool" jazz singer James 30
Ornery quality 14
One of the inert gases on the periodic table of elements 56
Old crime boss Frank 20
One of four table supports 26
Of lesser importance, informally 32
Open-mic night venue, perhaps 29
Org. for Taylor Swift 21
One-named singer of children's songs 36
Of the mythical hell 20
One in the charge of un instituteur 35
Outside the Lines" broadcaster 30
One may be a dwarf 18
Old Celtic religious leader 27
Opposite of "exeunt 19
Offered unwanted advice 23
Odometer stat 13
One place to kick back 22
On sale, or taken off sale 26
Ocean greyhound 15
Org. that honored George Strait 31
One often seen with her child 29
Of a certain legal action 25
Out of ___ way (safe) 21
Opposed, in Dogpatch 20
Occasion to break glass? 24
One state symbol of Massachusetts 33
One may be spotted in the garden 32
One, to Beethoven 17
Old radio format, for short 27
Onetime Illinois governor Stevenson 35
Ones passed on a track 22
Overboard goods 15
Opponents of dualism 20
Oscar-nominated film starring Joaquin Phoenix as a man who falls in love with his phone's operating sytstem 107
Out-of-sight light 18
Of a psyche part 16
Orinoco Flow" New Age singer 28
One-liner, for instance 23
Old means of protection 23
Om, for one 11
Ones unlikely to attend mixers 30
One Kevin in Hollywood 22
One-on-one contests 19
Omar of "Love & Basketball 26
Opening maneuver to gain advantage 34
One may be supporting 21
One who might put you in stitches 33
O. Henry's forte 16
Oscar winner O'Brien 20
Of a nerve 10
One with an axe to grind? 25
One's life story 16
Oscar-winning "Aladdin" composer Alan 37
Old Army bomber plane 21
Ones unlikely to socialize 26
One operating under pressure? 29
One-time golf great. 20
Outback rhea relative 21
Online party reminder 21
Often-covered Davey Graham piece 32
Ohio aviation city 18
Only state with two Ivy League schools 38
One to start? 13
Old-timey orphanage offering 28
Offer a comment 15
Old senate setting 18
Old British colony 18
Object of an annual quest 25
Official Soviet newspaper 25
Owed amounts 12
Old tape format 15
Once more, in Latin 19
Onetime NPR host Hansen 23
Old ___ (Admiral Vernon) 24
Oscar winner Basinger 21
Org. chaired by Reince Priebus 30
Opponent of S. Grant 20
Orthodontic device 18
Olympus, for one 16
Once-common pesticide component 31
Order to a sloppy senator? 26
Organize, as an attack 22
One might get dropped, to everyone's shock 42
Oscar-winning actress in "Kramer vs. Kramer" and "Sophie's Choice 65
Old copying aid 15
Owl or Gibson 13
One-L person, in an Ogden Nash poem 35
One who's not on the honor roll 31