Rebuke severely |
Duke of Cornwall's wife |
UK bathrooms |
Biblical rebuker of Balaam |
Jukebox musical based on the hits of Green Day: 2 wds. |
Fuka-___ (fictional author in Murakami's masterpiece "1Q84") |
Singer whose second album, "Unorthodox Jukebox," came out in December 2012: 2 wds. |
Alliance that includes Ukr. |
UK org. concerned with grubbers and scrums |
Teacher's rebuke |
Young man slain by Duke Mantee |
Duke University location |
He slugged 755 homers from 1954 to 1976, started his career with the Milwaukee Braves, and ended it with the Milwaukee Brewers: 2 wds. |
The Duke of Cornwall's wife, in Shakespeare |
Modern-day jukebox |
Ukrainian soup |
Luke Skywalker's Jedi teacher |
Dukes' domains |
Old-fashioned jukebox |
Legendary rebuke |
African country where Timbuktu is located |
Rebuke |
Rebuked |
Blessed ___ that hunger now..." Luke 6:21 |
Actress Anouk whose last name means "beloved |
Anakin, to Luke |
Planet where Luke trained to be a Jedi |
A Duke's cousin |
Jukebox activator |
Baseball Hall-of-Famer mistakenly listed in "The Chanukah Song" as a Jew |