German steel city |
Paramount rival |
Arrivals after the fall |
Low-grade liquor |
A.L. East rival of the D-Rays, O's, Sox, and Yanks |
Subj. for recent arrivals, maybe |
Some summer arrivals |
Viking rival |
ABC rival |
Org. that advocates tough liquor laws |
Bygone AT&T rival |
Liquor measures |
Unbeatable rivals |
Downyflake rival |
Fourth day of Christmas arrivals |
Olympus rival |
A component of liquor |
Life-preserver stuffing |
Baseball's reserve clause challenger |
Maltreater |
Fast Company" rival |
Caribbean liquor |
Barack's 2012 rival |
G.O.P. rivals |
AL arrivals of 1973 |
ABC's "Today" rival, for short |
Beer after liquor, say |
Mean" Pittsburgh Steelers player of the 1970s: 2 wds. |
Former Maltese currency |
Liquor-flavored cake |