Fiddler on the Roof" setting that answers the question "Where else could Sabbath be so sweet? |
Iowa setting for the League of Sofa Manufacturers convention? |
Amp settings |
Coconut tree setting |
Like some cabin settings |
Main event setting |
Typesetting instruction |
High-altitude setting of a classic Harold Lloyd sequence |
Radio settings |
The Golden Lotus" setting |
Blue Grotto setting |
Calibrated camera setting |
Boston timepiece setting |
Setting for Chicago's Summerfest: Abbr. |
Depth-of-field setting |
Alabama setting for the American Cellphone Association convention? |
As You Like It" forest setting |
La Bohème" setting |
Setting for Christmas in NYC |
Georgetown setting |
Setting for Sinclair's "The Jungle |
Sun Valley setting |
Altar settings |
''Field of Dreams'' setting |
Bounce settings |
Academic settings |
Typesetting mistakes |
DC clock setting |
Shutterbug's setting |
Device setting for store display |