Ice Bucket Challenge cause: Abbr. |
Causes of Bikini blasts |
Cause a disturbance |
Cause confusion while conducting? |
Causes of rain in London? |
Adjective forbidden in crosswords because it's gross and bodily |
Annual cause of losing an hr.'s sleep hidden in this puzzle's 10 longest answers |
Cause of stomach problems, sometimes |
Cause of some floating, briefly |
A cause of absenteeism |
Cause of a tennis replay |
Cause to arch slightly |
Actor who supposedly "destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise |
Catastrophic event that can be caused by a gigantic earthquake |
Because Freedom Can't Protect Itself" sloganeer, briefly |
Cause of nasality |
Cause to be unpleasantly surprised |
Causes of in-flight "bumps |
Swords that don't cause injuries |
Causes fear mixed with reverence |
Causes to exist |
Academy Award winner Jared who's playing another Joker soon, because lord knows there haven't been enough of those |
A cause of mental and physical disturbances |
Entertainment options so named because the audience is more detached, per McLuhan (not because he thought they were awesome) |
Cause to become beloved |
Possible cause of goose bumps |
Actress whose Oscar win was rumored to be caused by Jack Palance drunkenly misreading Vanessa Redgrave's name (not true; see Snopes) |
A cause of ruin |
Agricultural implement — cause pain to (feelings) |
One feeling sad, perhaps because rejecting all truth isn't going so well? |