Portuguese term meaning "suspects" brought up in the 2007 Madeleine McCann disappearance case |
Prefix meaning "halfway |
Prefix meaning "milk |
Meaning of "Ich bin ein" in J.F.K.'s quote |
Abbr. meaning ''and others'' |
Footnote abbr. that means "in the same place |
Prefix meaning "less than normal |
Means of escape |
Meaningless chatter |
Dessert that, if you can't both "have" and "eat," I don't really understand the meaning of "have |
Country whose name means "he that strives with God |
Means of egress |
Regressed towards the mean |
Aloof demeanor |
Half of a word meaning reckless. |
Acronym that sometimes means "right now |
African city of 4+ million whose name means, literally, "haven of peace |
Crimean battle river |
Mountain whose name in Greek means "I burn |
Mean, illegal wrestling hold? |
1974 top 10 hit whose title means "You Are |
Mean" Pittsburgh Steelers player of the 1970s: 2 wds. |
Acronym meaning "Right now! |
Prefix meaning ''gas'' (Var.) |
Crimean seaport |
Prefix meaning ''tiny'' |
Abbreviation meaning "plus additional things |
Genesis guy whose name means "hairy |
Acquired by unworthy means |
Acquire by unsavory means |