Literally, ''I'' |
Richard Gere movie (with ''The'') |
Abbr. meaning ''and others'' |
Baseball's ''Walking Man'' Eddie |
Peter of ''M'' |
Word with ''Big Band'' or ''Reagan'' |
''The Balcony'' playwright |
''Any Woman's Blues'' author Jong |
''Munich'' actor Bana |
''Avast!'' |
''That's what I think,'' in e-mail |
To whom our ''millions'' are ''billions'' |
''A Passage of Arms'' writer Ambler |
''Family of Charles IV'' artist |
''Mary Tyler Moore Show'' spinoff |
''Alas!'' |
''Hagar the Horrible'' cartoonist Browne |
''Gee whiz!'' |
Hawaiian's ''thanks'' |
''Braveheart'' villain |
Word with ''Monsters'' or ''Murder'' |
Words with ''good faith'' or ''self-defense'' |
53rd Street comedy club (with ''The'') |
Investigate deeply (with ''into'') |
''Ah, me!'' |
''A Chapter on Ears'' essayist |
''You Light Up My Life'' singer Boone |
Sommer of ''Exit Sunset Boulevard'' |
Meagerly manages (with ''out'') |
''A Doll's House'' heroine |