Action needed to spot the four fliers in the theme answers |
Activity suggested by this puzzle's theme entries |
Partially obscured (and a hint to this puzzle's theme) |
Lone Ranger's theme composer |
Bodybuilder's theme song? |
African American mathemetician who purportedly surveyed the District of Columbia |
Asleep ... or a hint to this puzzle's theme |
Contract extras, and read differently, a hint to this puzzle's theme |
Alternative words used as alternatives for each other in this puzzle's theme answers |
Alternative theme song to "Cosmos"? (the Beastie Boys) |
Amazon tablet (Yeah, I probably should have included this as part of the theme, but I couldn't come up with a suitable answer.Sue me.) |
According to the '60s sitcom's theme song: "It's primitive as can be ... here on ___": 2 wds. |
An oh, what ___ we'll hit!" (lyric from Bugs Bunny's theme song) |
Behave!" ... and a hint to this puzzle's theme |
Oasis-themed space shoot-em-up? |
Creepy pencil-and-paper "game" popularized in 2015 via YouTube and Twitter (and basis of the theme answers) |
Lengthy, mournful complaint |
After a lengthy pause |
Themes |
Split ___ (tonsorial woe, and a hint to this puzzle's theme) |
Lengthy lamentation |
Principal theme (eg of a speech) |
Consequence of mo' money, per Biggie Smalls ... or what's afflicted the theme answers? |
Action that makes bad situations worse, and this puzzle's theme |
Department in a store where you might buy this puzzle's theme |
Part of a 1970s-themed Halloween costume |
Environmental activist, and the letters changed in the theme answers |
Bell opening? (and this puzzle's theme spelled out) |
Real estate units involved in this puzzle's theme: Abbr. |
Copier jammed into this puzzle's theme answers |