Prized mushroom |
Courtroom excuse |
Poolroom stick |
Puzzled comments |
Muppet roommates on "Sesame Street": 3 wds. |
All ___!" (courtroom phrase) |
Bedroom furniture |
Carnivore's comment about what to eat during bad weather? |
Take money for a spare room |
Casualty room carer |
Mushroom morsel |
Broom of twigs or rushes |
Anagram for dirty room |
___ the barroom floor |
Bit of chatroom shorthand |
Courtroom cry |
Ernie's roommate |
They can be felt in a classroom |
Classroom basics |
Follower of a chat room joke |
Classroom lectures |
Brit's bathroom |
Close-fitting padded jacket of Tudor and Stuart England |
UK bathrooms |
Mushroom maker? |
Bert's roommate on "Sesame Street |
Comfy rooms |
CNN commentator Brazile |
Late sleeper's comment to a nagging partner |
All I Know About Animal Behavior I Learned in Loehmann's Dressing Room" author Bombeck |