Thankless people |
Expected landing time |
Earlier |
Bigger than big |
Thanksgiving leftovers |
Thanksgiving dinner staples |
ABA/NBA star with more than 30,000 points |
Bit of chatroom shorthand |
Discount rack shorthand |
Prefix meaning "less than normal |
A lot better than average |
Chatroom digression shorthand |
Involving practical participation rather than theory |
Evocative of an earlier time, as fashion |
Be a dilettante, rather than focusing on just one thing |
Coll. with a husky named Jonathan XII |
Digression shorthand |
Caninelike animal more closely related to a cat than a dog |
Shorthand developer |
Hawaiian's ''thanks'' |
Bit of texting shorthand |
Closest pal, in IM shorthand |
Flat-topped hills that are larger than buttes |
Await and intercept unexpectedly |
Kitchen item used on Thanksgiving |
Jonathan Swift, e.g. |
When planes are expected to land, informally |
Arrives for Thanksgiving dinner? |
Pays what's expected |
Like Elizabethan collars |