John/Rice musical |
1958 movie musical |
Universal's 1980 Olivia Newton-John musical |
George's musical brother |
Baghdad-based Broadway musical |
A to E, musically speaking |
Catchy musical phrase |
Actress who played an assistant district attorney in 1996's "Primal Fear": 2 wds. |
Additions to a musical staff |
Andrew Lloyd Webber musical |
Possible reply to a general question? |
Abbr. after an attorney's name |
Accompanies musically sans words |
Jukebox musical based on the hits of Green Day: 2 wds. |
Lively, musically |
African American mathemetician who purportedly surveyed the District of Columbia |
Athens's district |
Old musical symbol |
Word used to describe a film made by The Asylum movie studio, such as "Transmorphers" or "Sunday School Musical |
Attorney's job |
Musical passage that gets gradually louder |
Running buddy's question? |
Church district |
Musical compositions |
Broadway musical about three guys using the same pickup routine at a bar? |
Unkeyed, musically |
A musical talent |
Musically flowing |
Musical Lerner |
That's Why I Chose ___" (musical admissions video) |