Lemon zest source |
Comfort-food source |
Adams apple source |
A primary source for Scandinavian mythology |
Composite Index source |
A source of aluminum |
Agent's information source |
Avian sources of red meat |
Resource for working parents |
Disreputable source |
Mobile source of criticism |
A source of mother-of-pearl |
Accumulated resources. |
Subterranean sugar source |
U.S.'s most abundant energy source |
A source of mistakes |
Adjustable light source |
Source of the meteors in a meteor shower |
Discrimination fighter: Abbr. |
Breakfast fiber source |
A Mississippi source |
Cider source |
Reliable source of income |
Liquid resources |
Abundant source of energy |
Andean source of fleece |
Mythical source of fire |
Abbreviation for a quote whose source is unknown |
Honey source |
Fuel sources |