Animated "Explorer |
Expressive rock music subgenre |
Kind of reflex |
Ovine exclamation |
Expression of agreement |
Karate expert |
Extreme enthusiast |
Courtroom excuse |
Rocket expert Willy |
Expert pilot |
Expert in law |
Exotic berry |
Two-dimensional extent. |
Editing (text) |
Lifestyle expert frequently seen on "Today |
Forceful in expression |
Mississippi explorer |
New Mexico landmark |
Oh, and one more thing ..." in a text message |
Excessively energetic |
Expression of relief |
Expected landing time |
Expel (barrister) |
Havana export |
Extreme; rigorous |
Exacts revenge |
Definition that explains walking, Part 1 |
Amend text |
Start of a Mexican calendar |
Extinct cat |