Item deemed by a hi-tech company president in 1977 to be unreasonable for home use |
Item of value |
Furniture items |
Makeup item |
Bakery items. |
After-dinner item |
Grocery list items |
Acquire more items for, as a collection |
Banished to sleep on a couch, say ... or where to find the starred answers' hidden items |
Breakfast china item |
Almighty" item |
Valuable item |
Inventory item |
Bug-eyed with excitement |
Breaking items? |
Mississippi cargo item |
Item with adjustable legs |
Item |
For-display-only deli items? |
'50s fad item made by Wham-O |
Antiques store items |
Flat item to cook food on |
Airport carousel items |
Showing uncontrolled excitement |
Personal items? |
Item disappearing from restaurants |
Big ticket items? |
Cross-court items? |
Cylindrical menu item |
Inbox item |