Jurassic Park" creature |
Alaskan river |
Creature with three appendages |
Creatures infesting the proverbial dancer's pants |
Alaskan archipelago |
Sci-fi creature whose language is based on the Chinese dialect Kalmyk |
Prehistoric creature |
Alaskan crustacean |
Creature with long, graceful plumes |
Alaskan beasts |
A-mazing creatures? |
Legendary creature |
Alaskan butcher's tool? |
Aboriginal Alaskan |
Simian creature |
Fantasy title character whose name is one letter different from the creature he rides |
Amorphous creature |
Endor creature |
Alaskan cargo ship |
Sea creatures with claws |
Abominable creatures |
Creature lacking color |
Andersen title creature |
10-legged sea creature |
Sidling sea creature |
Aussie avian creature |
Creatures able to regenerate lost limbs |
Industrious creature |
Active Alaskan volcano |
Alaskans, Hawaiians et al. |