
200 clues
Arab org.
Arabs org.
Arabic org.
Egypt, once
Nasser fed.
Sadat's home
Nasser domain
Mideast abbr.
Nasser's fed.
Sadat's realm
Nasser's org.
Old map abbr.
Mideast inits.
Nasser's realm
Cairo initials
Sadat's country
Arab unity org.
Nasser's repub.
Old map. inits.
Org. for Nasser
Old Mideast gp.
Arab States org.
Egypt: 1961–71
Pan arabian org.
Former Arab org.
Nasser's confed.
Middle East org.
Mideast initials
Old Mideast org.
Arab nations org.
Egyptian initials
Initials in Cairo
Nasser's creation
Nasser's old org.
Old Mideast assn.
Bygone Mideast gp.
Cairo was its cap.
Egypt in the '60s
Former pol. entity
G.A. Nasser's land
Nasser's bailiwick
Old Eg./Syr. union
Pol. union of 1958
Syr. + Egypt, once
UN member, 1958-71
Mideast org., once
Syr. and Eg., once
Former Mideast gp.
Old Mideast inits.
Eg. and Syr., once
Eg. plus Syr., once
Egypt, from '61-'71
Egypt, in the 1960s
Egypt, once (abbr.)
Egypt's former org.
Erstwhile Arab rep.
Former Mideast all.
Former Mideast fed.
Former polit. union
Initials for Nasser
Old polit. alliance
Org. for Arab unity
Sadat's land: Abbr.
Bygone Mideast grp.
Old Mideast confed.
Former Mideast grp.
Former Mideast org.
Arab solidarity org.
Defunct Mideast org.
Former Near East gp.
Nasser led it: Abbr.
Old Egyptian letters
Onetime Mideast grp.
Onetime Mideast org.
Syr. left it in 1961
Egypt and Syr., once
Nasser was its pres.
Egypt from 1961-1971
Egypt, 1961-71: Abbr.
Former Cairo initials
Mideast org.: 1958-61
Nasser's Egypt: abbr.
Nasser's dream: Abbr.
Nasser's union: Abbr.
Onetime Mideast abbr.
Pol. union: 1958–61
Sadat's domain: Abbr.
Bygone Mideast inits.
Former Mideast inits.
African country: Abbr.
    Old Mideast grp.
Egypt, formerly: Abbr.
Mideast org. formerly
N. African state once
Nasser's nation: Abbr.
Old fed. led by Nasser
Onetime Mideast inits.
Neighbor of Isr., once
Bygone coalition: Abbr.
Bygone political inits.
Egypt and Syr., 1958-61
G. A. Nasser's alliance
Grp. once led by Nasser
Old Syr.-Egypt alliance
Onetime Egyptian inits.
Onetime Mideast letters
1958-61 polit. alliance
Former Middle East org.
Former Mideast monogram
Former Mideast alliance
Old Egypt-Syr. alliance
Former Mideast initials
1958-71 political inits.
Arab alliance: 1958–61
Coalition of 1958: Abbr.
Former initials at Cairo
Former Syr.-Egypt. union
Old Mideast union: Abbr.
Onetime Egypt-Syria fed.
Initials in Nasser's day
'50s Middle East initials
Arab federation (acronym)
Egypt, before 1971: Abbr.
Nasser once led it: Abbr.
One-time Mideast initials
Middle Eastern org., once
Alliance of 1958-61: Abbr.
Egypt's erstwhile initials
Former Egypt/Syr. alliance
Former Mideast bloc: abbr.
Former Syr.-Egypt alliance
Middle East org., formerly
Bygone geographical inits.
Former Egypt-Syr. alliance
Brief Egypt-Syria coalition
Former Egypt-Syria initials
Former Mideast union: Abbr.
1958-61 alliance, initially
Old Mideast alliance: Abbr.
Dissolved Egy.-Syr. alliance
Egyp.-Syr. alliance: 1958-61
Egypt's off. name: 1961–71
Former Mideast nation: Abbr.
Former Mideast merger: Abbr.
Former republic of NE Africa
Onetime Mideast union: Abbr.
Syr. seceded from it in 1961
Former Middle Eastern inits.
Alliance led by Nasser: Abbr.
Brief Mideast alliance: Abbr.
Middle East initials: 1958-71
Old alliance that incl. Egypt
Old political alliance: Abbr.
Syria and Egypt, once (abbr.)
Egypt and Syria, from 1958-61
Egypt and Syria, once (Abbr.)
Bygone Mideast alliance: Abbr.
Egypt from 1961 to 1971: Abbr.
Egypt's org. from 1961 to 1971
Erstwhile Mideast state: Abbr.
Mideast initials of yesteryear
Mideastern initials: 1958–71
Onetime realm of Nasser: Abbr.
Short-lived Arab confederation
Syr.-Egypt alliance of 1958-61
Syria-Egypt acronym: 1958–61
Egypt and Syr., from 1958-1961
Former Mideast alliance: Abbr.
It ended with a '61 Syrian coup
Old Mideast alliance, for short
Short-lived Egypt / Syria union
Old Egypt-Syria alliance: Abbr.
Short-lived Egypt-Syr. alliance
Defunct org. that included Syria
Egypt was once part of it: Abbr.
Initials for a Mideast coalition
Mideast alliance inits., 1958-61
Egypt and Syria until 1961: Abbr.
Egypt and Syria, formerly (abbr.)
Former Egypt-Syria merger (Abbr.)
Onetime neighbor of Israel: Abbr.
Political alliance of 1958: Abbr.
Short-lived Mideast union (abbr.)
1958-61 political alliance: Abbr.
Egypt and Syr., from 1958 to 1961
Egypt and Syria, 1958-1961 (Abbr.)
1958-'61 Mideast partnership: Abbr.
Former Egypt-Syria alliance (Abbr.)
Former fed. whose capital was Cairo
Egypt's official initials: 1961–71
Onetime Egypt-Syria alliance (Abbr.)
Short-lived Egypt-Syria union: Abbr.
Egypt and Syria, at one time (abbr.)
Egypt-Syria alliance, 1958-61 (abbr.)
Initials of a former Mideast coalition
Short-lived Mideast federation (Abbr.)
Bygone political entity that included Syr.
Short-lived Middle Eastern federation (Abbr.)
Map inits. created in the wake of the Suez Crisis
Merger that followed soon after the Suez crisis: Abbr.
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