
319 clues
Deck out
___ gown
Cape kin
RBG wear
Spa wrap
Spa wear
Ring wear
Banc wear
Home wear
PJs cover
Spa cover
Beach wear
Bench wear
Pug's garb
Bench garb
Court garb
Terry item
Choir gown
Choir garb
Court wear
Spa attire
It's a wrap
Monks' wear
Grad's garb
Spa amenity
Cabana wear
Grad's wear
PJs coverup
Seer's garb
Wizard garb
Spa garment
Apparel item
Boxer's wear
Domino, e.g.
Boudoir wear
Angel's garb
Alito attire
Boxer's need
Boxer's wrap
Day spa garb
Judge's gown
Lounge wear?
Morning garb
Morning wear
Regal outfit
Tied garment
Trial attire
Bench attire
Caftan, e.g.
Boxer's garb
Kimono, e.g.
Judge's wear
Judge's garb
Choir attire
Bishop's garb
Kimono cousin
Hotel amenity
Dressing gown
Belted attire
Bishops' wear
Dress of rank
Hogwarts garb
Jesus' attire
Judge's cover
Moses' attire
Ringside garb
Ringside wrap
Sauna garment
Toga or stola
Wapner's wrap
Wizard's garb
Court garment
Prefight garb
Academic garb
Boxer's cover
Choir costume
Wizard's wear
Judicial wear
Lounging garb
Lounge attire
Judicial garb
Wrap of a sort
Hotel offering
Bath accessory
Bedouin attire
Belted garment
Clothing court
Merlin's cover
Trial cover-up
Wizard costume
Day spa attire
Morning attire
Pajamas topper
Post-bath wrap
Post-bout garb
Wrap for Rocky
Friar's attire
Justice's garb
Judge's attire
Terrycloth item
Pajama cover-up
Loose (garment)
Flowing garment
Graduation garb
Ceremonial wear
Boxer's garment
Courtroom sight
Housecoat, e.g.
Judicial cover?
Legal cover-up?
Morning garment
Pajamas coverup
Prefight attire
Pre-bout attire
Pugilist's wrap
Spa convenience
After-bath wrap
Biblical attire
Peignoir cousin
Pugilist's wear
Court cover-up?
Kimono, for one
Loungewear item
Shower covering
It's a cover-up
Judge's apparel
Judicial attire
Bathroom hanger
Lounging attire
After-bath wear
Judge's garment
Priest's garment
Lounging garment
Academic apparel
After-bath dress
After-beach wear
At-home cover-up
Biblical garment
Breakfast attire
Convocation wear
Dignified attire
Garb for a judge
Graduates's garb
Justice's attire
Kimono or domino
Post sauna getup
Post-bout attire
Post-shower wear
Wizard's garment
After-bath cover
Judge's coverup?
Lounger's attire
Nightgown topper
Obi-Wan's attire
Post-shower garb
Terry-cloth item
Judicial garment
Judicial raiment
Barrister's wear
Hef's loungewear
Courtroom attire
Bath room attire
Bathroom covering
Chorister's cover
Garb on the bench
Hogwarts covering
Justice's garment
Kimono or cassock
Peignoir, for one
Post-bath garment
Post-bout apparel
Post-Jacuzzi wear
After-shower wrap
Boxer's accessory
Justice cover-up?
Judge Judy's garb
After-bath attire
After-shower wear
Boxer’s attire?
Attire for a Druid
Ceremonial garment
Chorister's attire
Father Time's wear
Garb for Rehnquist
Hotel room coverup
Item of loungewear
Judicial cover-up?
Posh hotel amenity
Pugilist's garment
What a judge wears
Supreme Court garb
After-bath apparel
Post-shower attire
Father Time's garb
Garb for the bench
After-bath garment
Loose outer garment
A cardinal's is red
After-bath cover-up
After-bath throw-on
Boxer's name holder
Ceremonial covering
Commencement attire
Commencement outfit
Cover-up at a hotel
Fancy hotel amenity
Garment for Brennan
Graduation-day garb
Hugh Hefner's "suit
Judge Judy's outfit
Kimono, for example
Lady Liberty's garb
Long, loose garment
Often-belted attire
Prizefighter's garb
Prizefighter's wear
t.A.T.u. "White ___
Wear for Judge Judy
After-bath covering
Courtroom cover-up?
After-shower put-on
Choir member's garb
Choir member's wear
Luxury hotel amenity
Article of clothing.
Garment for lounging
Harry Potter costume
It prevents exposure
It's worn with a tie
Kimono, for instance
Lap or ward follower
Judge Judy's garment
Uniform on the bench
Judge Judy" coverage?
Breakfast wear, often
Choir member's attire
Couch potato's attire
Hugh Hefner's garment
Prizefighter's outfit
Word with bath or lap
Judge's outer garment
Clarence Thomas's garb
Garment worn by a Jedi
Hanger near the shower
Boxer's pre-fight wear
It's worn on the bench
Luxury hotel room item
The ___" (Douglas book)
Boxer's prefight attire
Garb for an investiture
Garb for the Dalai Lama
Hotel amenity, at times
Supreme Court cover-up?
Attire for the courtroom
L. C. Douglas's "The ___
Lloyd Douglas's "The ___
Outer garment for judges
Choir member's outerwear
Breakfast attire, perhaps
Douglas's "The ___": 1942
Garment for Mrs. O'Connor
Role-playing game costume
Wrap for Floyd Mayweather
Garment worn after a bath
Black cover-up for a judge
Garment worn with slippers
Plush attire worn in a spa
You may find a judge in it
Garment hanging in chambers
Garment worn after the bath
Lloyd Douglas novel subject
Statue of Liberty's garment
It may be worn to breakfast
New-type movie (with "The").
You may find a judge in here
The Statue of Liberty's garb
The Twilight Is My ___" Opeth
Cloth for a man of the cloth?
It might be worn over pajamas
It may be put on after a bath
Outer garment worn by a boxer
Judge Judy's courtroom attire
____ de-chambre: dressing gown
Garment that comes with a belt
Item often stolen from a hotel
t.A.T.u. might use a "White" one
Skillet puts on a "Beautiful" one
What a boxer wears before a fight
Something to put on before trying?
First CinemaScope film (With "The")
Ten album "The ___/Bonus Collection
First film in CinemaScope, with "The
Garment worn after sitting in a sauna
1953 Richard Burton movie with The
Garment a boxer removes right before a fight
Garment often worn after a soak in a hot tub
Garment worn before throwing a punch, perhaps
Garment worn by John Roberts that's hidden in his name
1953 biblical epic that was nominated for Best Picture, with "The
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