Rue |
Regret |
Be saved! |
At leisure |
Be contrite |
Show remorse |
Make amends. |
Feel remorse |
Be regretful |
Feel regret. |
Be sorry for |
Turn from sin |
Feel contrite |
Don sackcloth |
Sunday urging |
Say "I'm sorry |
Wish one hadn't |
Think better of |
Feel contrition |
Mend one's ways |
Show contrition |
Feel remorse for |
Feel sorry (for) |
Renounce sinning |
Evangelist's cry |
Regret one's sins |
Advice to sinners |
''___ be sorry!'' |
Be contrite about |
Doomsayers sign |
Advice to a sinner |
Revivalist's advice |
Warning to a sinner |
Evangelist's advice |
Be in a sorry state? |
Father's exhortation |
Preacher's directive |
Admonition to sinners |
Heed John the Baptist |
Preacher's imperative |
Religious exhortation |
Admonition to a sinner |
Exhortation to sinners |
Mend one's sinful ways |
Reformer's exhortation |
Revival-meeting advice |
Have a change of heart |
Preacher's exhortation |
Evangelical exhortation |
Obey a father, in a way |
Prepare for the Rapture |
Don sackcloth and ashes |
Evangelist's admonition |
Evangelist's imperative |
Apologize for one's sins |
Regret one's wrongdoings |
Evangelist's exhortation |
Start on a righteous path |
Get ready for Judgment Day |
Word from John the Baptist |
Turn away from the dark side |
Street-corner doomsayer's sign |
Word in a street-corner sermon |
Heed John the Baptist's advice |
John the Baptist's exhortation |
Say "I shouldn't have done that |
Command in a fire-and-brimstone sermon |
Word in a street-corner sermon, perhaps |
Command on a religious nut's protest sign |