
309 clues
Box in
Sew up
Take up
Shut in
Coat part
Coat edge
Coat line
Do sewing
Haw's pal
Maxi edge
Sewn line
Fence in.
Sewn edge
Pants part
Close (in)
Dress part
Pants line
Skirt part
Haw's mate
Sewing job
-- and haw
Drape edge
Sheet edge
Dress line
Skirt line
Dress edge
Sewer line
Skirt edge
Haw's buddy
Jumper line
Mini border
Sewing edge
Skirt's end
Slip border
Be hesitant
Sewn border
Bottom seam
Bottom edge
Mini bottom
Border line
A-line line
Fix a skirt
Sewing line
Bottom line?
Do tailoring
Garment seam
Fashion item
Skirt's edge
A dress line
Cuff feature
Dress ending
Jeans bottom
Sewed border
Sewer's edge
Skirt finish
Shift's end?
Train bottom
Haw" partner
A dress part
Cloth border
Pants bottom
Drapery edge
Cloth edging
Garment line
Skirt bottom
Dress bottom
Garment edge
Fashion line
Skirt border
Clothes line?
Be indecisive
Dress feature
Skirt feature
Haw's partner
Clothing edge
Cousin of haw
Fabric fringe
Finished edge
Folded border
Haw's go-with
Modeling line
Sheath's edge
Tailor's task
Express doubt
Haw companion
Line of jeans
Jacket border
Stitched edge
Tailor's edge
Mini feature?
Tailor's line
Kind of stitch
Partner of haw
Delay deciding
Designer line?
Drapery bottom
Dress's bottom
Garment's edge
Get an edge on
It may lie low
Skirt terminus
Skirt's bottom
Tailoring edge
Do some sewing
Stall for time
Garment bottom
Hesitant sound
Trap, with "in
Take up, maybe
Clothing line?
Garment border
Alter, in a way
Do a sewing job
Part of a skirt
Haw's companion
End of a shift?
__ in: surround
Clothing border
Edge of fashion
Edge of a shirt
Jumper's border
Jumper’s line
Material edging
Seamster's line
Sewn dress edge
Skirt stitching
Stitch preceder
The bottom line
Edge of a shift
Grope for words
Shorten a skirt
Confine, ... in
Stitcher's edge
Line of fashion
Put in stitches
Stitched border
Tailor's border
Border of cloth
Shorten, perhaps
Avoid committing
___ in (confine)
___ in (enclose)
Alter for length
Do a sewing task
Line in clothing
Line of fashions
Line on a jumper
Refuse to commit
Start to stammer
Tailoring target
Underfolded edge
Up-and-down line
Vocal hesitation
Couturier's line
Take up, perhaps
Line on a jacket
Tailor-made part
Hesitation sound
Anti-fray border
Tailor-made line
Do a tailor's job
Do some tailoring
Line of clothing?
Bottom of a shirt
Bottom of a skirt
Changeable border
Enclose, with "in
Envelop, with "in
Haw accompaniment
Margin for milady
Mini-skirt bottom
Pinafore's border
Tassel's location
Alteration target
End of a pant leg
NYC indie-folkers
Skirt's outskirts
Stumble, in a way
Confine, with "in
Designer's concern
Height of fashion?
Rabbit Songs" band
Adjust, as a skirt
Bring up, in a way
Controversial line
Do a sartorial job
Encircle, with "in
Fix a skirt, maybe
It drops this year
Line on the bottom
Put in cuff links?
Put off a decision
Sew an edge around
Start to hesitate?
Speak indecisively
Surround, with "in
Vacillate verbally
End of a pants leg
Hesitate in speech
Hesitate, in a way
Skirt's sewed line
End of the A-line?
Sound of hesitation
Bell-bottoms bottom
Constrain, with "in
Drawstring's locale
Edge of a / garment
Garment's sewn edge
Pause of hesitation
Seamster's creation
Take up or let down
Be verbally evasive
Dress's bottom edge
Edge of a pants leg
Skirt's bottom line
Skirt's bottom edge
Sew a border around
Stitched skirt edge
Bottom of a garment
Dressmaker's concern
A line in an A-line?
Ankle tickler, maybe
Dust ruffle location
Fashion bottom line?
Moment of hesitation
One left in stitches
Perform a sewing job
Seamstress's concern
Skirt's sewed border
Take up, as a jumper
Bottom of bellbottoms
Hesitate in speaking.
Remedy for split ends
It may be at the knee
Seamstress's creation
Bottom of a pants leg
Do a seamstress's job
___ and haw (hesitate)
Bottom edge of a dress
Bottom edge of a skirt
Bottom of bell bottoms
Designer's bottom line
Fashion's bottom line?
Fold back and sew down
Folded-over skirt part
Make indecisive sounds
Sew, as a skirt bottom
Something turned under
Bottom line in fashion
Alter a skirt, in a way
Bottom line of clothing
Fail to make a decision
Skirt or trouser bottom
Use a slip stitch, e.g.
Fashion's whimsical line
Stitched border of cloth
Stitched part of a skirt
Turned edge of a garment
Adjustable dress feature
Give an edge to, in a way
Hesitate (like a tailor?)
Stitched edge on clothing
The bottom line, to Blass
Turned-up part of a skirt
Search for the right word
__ and haw (be indecisive)
Something that's turned up
Tassel's place, on a dress
___ and haw (be undecided)
It's fashionably up or down
It's the height of fashion?
The bottom line to a tailor
The bottom line, in fashion
Fashion's ever-changing line
It may be right above a knee
Something that's tailor-made
Stitched border on a garment
Something that may be let out
Thing created by a seamstress
Turned-up part of a pants leg
What a seamstress may take up
___ and haw (refuse to decide)
Search for the right word, e.g.
Tucked-in part of a dress shirt
Bringing it up can lead to a fit
Something for a tailor to adjust
The bottom line in sewing class?
It may be around a woman's knees
Erratic line in the fashion world
Bottom line in the fashion world?
Bottom portion of a tailored skirt
It may be taken up in sewing class
What seamstress does to stage garb
It may be found just above the knee
Something that a tailor might alter
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