Edge |
Edging |
Margin |
Border |
Purfle |
Fringe |
Box in |
Sew up |
Shorten |
Take up |
Selvage |
Shut in |
Hesitate |
Encircle |
Vacillate |
Coat part |
Coat edge |
Coat line |
Do sewing |
Haw's pal |
Maxi edge |
Sewn line |
Fence in. |
Fimbriate |
Sewn edge |
Pants part |
Close (in) |
Dress part |
Pants line |
Equivocate |
Skirt part |
Haw's mate |
Sewing job |
-- and haw |
Drape edge |
Sheet edge |
Hesitation |
Dress line |
Skirt line |
Dress edge |
Sewer line |
Skirt edge |
Haw's buddy |
Jumper line |
Mini border |
Sewing edge |
Skirt's end |
Slip border |
Be hesitant |
Sewn border |
Bottom seam |
Bottom edge |
Mini bottom |
Border line |
A-line line |
Fix a skirt |
Sewing line |
Bottom line? |
Do tailoring |
Garment seam |
Fashion item |
Skirt's edge |
A dress line |
Cuff feature |
Dress ending |
Jeans bottom |
Sewed border |
Sewer's edge |
Skirt finish |
Shift's end? |
Train bottom |
Haw" partner |
A dress part |
Cloth border |
Pants bottom |
Drapery edge |
Cloth edging |
Garment line |
Skirt bottom |
Dress bottom |
Garment edge |
Fashion line |
Skirt border |
Clothes line? |
Be indecisive |
Dress feature |
Skirt feature |
Haw's partner |
Clothing edge |
Cousin of haw |
Fabric fringe |
Finished edge |
Folded border |
Haw's go-with |
Modeling line |
Sheath's edge |
Tailor's task |
Express doubt |
Haw companion |
Line of jeans |
Jacket border |
Stitched edge |
Tailor's edge |
Mini feature? |
Tailor's line |
Kind of stitch |
Partner of haw |
Delay deciding |
Designer line? |
Drapery bottom |
Dress's bottom |
Garment's edge |
Get an edge on |
It may lie low |
Skirt terminus |
Skirt's bottom |
Tailoring edge |
Do some sewing |
Stall for time |
Garment bottom |
Hesitant sound |
Trap, with "in |
Take up, maybe |
Clothing line? |
Garment border |
Alter, in a way |
Do a sewing job |
Part of a skirt |
Haw's companion |
End of a shift? |
__ in: surround |
Clothing border |
Edge of fashion |
Edge of a shirt |
Jumper's border |
Jumper’s line |
Material edging |
Seamster's line |
Sewn dress edge |
Skirt stitching |
Stitch preceder |
The bottom line |
Edge of a shift |
Grope for words |
Shorten a skirt |
Confine, ... in |
Stitcher's edge |
Line of fashion |
Put in stitches |
Stitched border |
Tailor's border |
Border of cloth |
Shorten, perhaps |
Avoid committing |
___ in (confine) |
___ in (enclose) |
Alter for length |
Do a sewing task |
Line in clothing |
Line of fashions |
Line on a jumper |
Refuse to commit |
Start to stammer |
Tailoring target |
Underfolded edge |
Up-and-down line |
Vocal hesitation |
Couturier's line |
Take up, perhaps |
Line on a jacket |
Tailor-made part |
Hesitation sound |
Anti-fray border |
Tailor-made line |
Do a tailor's job |
Do some tailoring |
Line of clothing? |
Bottom of a shirt |
Bottom of a skirt |
Changeable border |
Enclose, with "in |
Envelop, with "in |
Haw accompaniment |
Margin for milady |
Mini-skirt bottom |
Pinafore's border |
Tassel's location |
Alteration target |
End of a pant leg |
NYC indie-folkers |
Skirt's outskirts |
Stumble, in a way |
Confine, with "in |
Designer's concern |
Height of fashion? |
Rabbit Songs" band |
Adjust, as a skirt |
Bring up, in a way |
Controversial line |
Do a sartorial job |
Encircle, with "in |
Fix a skirt, maybe |
It drops this year |
Line on the bottom |
Put in cuff links? |
Put off a decision |
Sew an edge around |
Start to hesitate? |
Speak indecisively |
Surround, with "in |
Vacillate verbally |
End of a pants leg |
Hesitate in speech |
Hesitate, in a way |
Skirt's sewed line |
End of the A-line? |
Sound of hesitation |
Bell-bottoms bottom |
Constrain, with "in |
Drawstring's locale |
Edge of a / garment |
Garment's sewn edge |
Pause of hesitation |
Seamster's creation |
Take up or let down |
Be verbally evasive |
Dress's bottom edge |
Edge of a pants leg |
Skirt's bottom line |
Skirt's bottom edge |
Sew a border around |
Stitched skirt edge |
Bottom of a garment |
Dressmaker's concern |
A line in an A-line? |
Ankle tickler, maybe |
Dust ruffle location |
Fashion bottom line? |
Moment of hesitation |
One left in stitches |
Perform a sewing job |
Seamstress's concern |
Skirt's sewed border |
Take up, as a jumper |
Bottom of bellbottoms |
Hesitate in speaking. |
Remedy for split ends |
It may be at the knee |
Seamstress's creation |
Bottom of a pants leg |
Do a seamstress's job |
___ and haw (hesitate) |
Bottom edge of a dress |
Bottom edge of a skirt |
Bottom of bell bottoms |
Designer's bottom line |
Fashion's bottom line? |
Fold back and sew down |
Folded-over skirt part |
Make indecisive sounds |
Sew, as a skirt bottom |
Something turned under |
Bottom line in fashion |
Alter a skirt, in a way |
Bottom line of clothing |
Fail to make a decision |
Skirt or trouser bottom |
Use a slip stitch, e.g. |
Fashion's whimsical line |
Stitched border of cloth |
Stitched part of a skirt |
Turned edge of a garment |
Adjustable dress feature |
Give an edge to, in a way |
Hesitate (like a tailor?) |
Stitched edge on clothing |
The bottom line, to Blass |
Turned-up part of a skirt |
Search for the right word |
__ and haw (be indecisive) |
Something that's turned up |
Tassel's place, on a dress |
___ and haw (be undecided) |
It's fashionably up or down |
It's the height of fashion? |
The bottom line to a tailor |
The bottom line, in fashion |
Fashion's ever-changing line |
It may be right above a knee |
Something that's tailor-made |
Stitched border on a garment |
Something that may be let out |
Thing created by a seamstress |
Turned-up part of a pants leg |
What a seamstress may take up |
___ and haw (refuse to decide) |
Search for the right word, e.g. |
Tucked-in part of a dress shirt |
Bringing it up can lead to a fit |
Something for a tailor to adjust |
The bottom line in sewing class? |
It may be around a woman's knees |
Erratic line in the fashion world |
Bottom line in the fashion world? |
Bottom portion of a tailored skirt |
It may be taken up in sewing class |
What seamstress does to stage garb |
It may be found just above the knee |
Something that a tailor might alter |