
724 clues
6th sense
Psi power
Eerie gift
Sixth sense
Eerie asset
Eerie power
Eerie skill
Rhine study
Sci-fi gift
Sense No. 6
Super power
Mental gift
Brain power
Extra sense?
Inner vision
It's psychic
Medium claim
Occult skill
Psi category
Psych. claim
Sci-fi skill
Seer's "gift
Seer's asset
Seer's sense
Seer's power
It's a "gift
Medium power
Mental magic
Psychic gift
Seer's forte
Sci-fi power
Seer's claim
Seer's skill
Second sight
Special gift
A way to know
Duke U. study
Geller's gift
Kreskin claim
Kreskin forte
Mystic's gift
Psychic claim
Psychic subj.
Seers have it
Special sense
Strange "gift
Suspect skill
Uncanny claim
Unusual power
Empath's gift
Medium skill?
Medium talent
Sci-fi talent
Super vision?
Thought waves
Dubious "gift
Medium's gift
Realm of Ares
Psychic sense
Psychic skill
Psychic power
Eerie ability
Carnac's gift?
Lengua de Mex.
Medium letters
Notably: Abbr.
Psychic talent
Rhine initials
Seventh sense?
Special sight?
Chiefly: Abbr.
Empath's skill
Occult ability
Sixth of five?
Medium's claim
Sci-fi ability
Prophetic gift
Psychic inits.
Special ability
Alleged ability
Debatable claim
Debatable power
It's paranormal
Kreskin's sense
Kreskin's forte
Medium quality?
Ment. telepathy
Mind meld skill
Power in sci-fi
Psychic's forte
Sci-fi facility
Special insight
Telepath's gift
To know one way
Kreskin's skill
Medium's talent
Paranormal gift
Prophet's claim
Medium ability?
Psychic's "gift
Psychic's power
Debatable "gift
Medium's method
Psychic's skill
Telepathic gift
Psychic's asset
The sixth sense
Uncanny ability
Psychic letters
Telepathy, e.g.
Uncommon sense?
Psychic ability
Kreskin's claim
Reading" ability
Arguable ability
Debatable "skill
Disputed ability
Initial feeling?
J.B. Rhine subj.
Medium capacity?
Medium's ability
Mental telepathy
Mysterious "gift
Paranormal skill
Paranormal topic
Psychic’s claim
Quick perception
Special feeling?
Surprising "gift
Telepath's thing
Telepathic abbr.
Telepathic power
Thought process?
Thought transfer
Uncommon insight
Uri Geller claim
Zener card subj.
Debunked!" topic
Acuity of a sort
Medium's medium?
Telepath's claim
Telepathy: abbr.
Gift of prophecy
Mysterious power
Thoughtful gift?
Paranormal claim
Psychic initials
Medium strength?
Paranormal power
Unproven ability
Dr. Rhine's study
Gift in "The Gift
Gift of foresight
Intuitive letters
J. B. Rhine subj.
Mentalist's "gift
Picking up skill?
Picking up power?
Psychic attribute
Psychic's letters
Psychic's métier
Purported ability
Questionable gift
Sci-fi film power
Seer's capability
Telepathic talent
Unproven facility
Zener cards skill
A gift, for short
Dr. Rhine's field
Exceptional sight
Pick-up capacity?
Psychic's ability
Sci-fi phenomenon
Clairvoyant skill
Exceptional skill
Unexplained skill
Telesthesia, e.g.
Mentalist's claim
Brief second sight
Debatable "ability
It makes a prophet
Mind-reading skill
Picking things up?
Precognition, e.g.
Psychic propensity
Sixth sense's rel.
Subj. for skeptics
Supernatural skill
Telepathic faculty
Telepathist's gift
Telepathy relative
Telepathy's cousin
Brief clairvoyance
Inexplicable skill
Picking up things?
Telepathy, briefly
Telepathy initials
Clairvoyant's gift
Paranormal letters
Clairvoyance, e.g.
Paranormal ability
Particularly: Abbr.
Clairvoyant's claim
Clairaudience, e.g.
Clairvoyance inits.
Clairvoyant's abbr.
Clairvoyant's power
Controversial "gift
Inexplicable talent
J. B. Rhine's field
Mind reader's "gift
Mind-reader's claim
More than a feeling
Precognitive talent
Professor X's power
Pseudoscience subj.
Second sight (abbr)
Sight for seer eyes
Sixth sense acronym
Telepathic initials
Telepathic letters?
Unexplained ability
Clairvoyance, abbr.
Clairvoyant ability
Clairvoyant's asset
Not-so-common sense
Seer's alleged gift
Wave-catching skill
Clairvoyant letters
Clairvoyant's forte
Mind-reader's skill
Sixth sense (Abbr.)
Zener cards test it
Clairvoyant's skill
Sixth sense letters
More than intuition
Claimed psychic gift
Clairvoyance acronym
Form of mind-reading
Intuition, for short
Mentalist's "ability
Mind reader's inits.
One means of knowing
Parapsychology power
Parapsychology skill
Parapsychology study
Parapyschology skill
Prescience of a sort
Second-sight letters
Seer's gift, briefly
Special recognition?
Supposed sixth sense
Telepathy's relative
Test type at Duke U.
Fortuneteller's gift
In particular: Abbr.
Silent communication
Sixth sense briefly
Sixth-sense initials
The Dead Zone" subj.
Parapsychology subj.
Clairvoyance letters
Meeting of the minds
Mind-reading ability
Telepathy, for short
Clairvoyant's talent
Parapsychology topic
The Green Mile" subj.
Claimed psychic skill
Clairvoyant's ability
Dr. Rhine's specialty
Form of communication
Fortuneteller's forte
Forward-looking claim
Hard-to-prove ability
It's a gift, some say
Letters for a psychic
Metal worker's claim?
Mind reading, briefly
Paraspsychology study
Prof. Rhine's concern
Psychic gift briefly
Psychic talent: Abbr.
Psychic's gift: Abbr.
Sci-fi reading skill?
So-called sixth sense
Spain's Olympics code
Spiritualist' insight
Spurious mental skill
Super-sight of a sort
Uncanny talent: Abbr.
Uncommon sense: Abbr.
What makes a prophet?
Clairvoyance briefly
Controversial ability
Mind reader's ability
Mind reader's letters
Seer's supposed skill
Supposed psychic gift
What Zener cards test
Clairvoyant's letters
J. B. Rhine specialty
Psych. research topic
Clairvoyance initials
Unusual gift of sight
The Sixth Sense" sense
1965 Miles Davis album
Brain power, for short
Dubious sense, briefly
Oracles have it: Abbr.
Psychic ability: Abbr.
Psychic power's inits.
Psychic's claim, often
Purported psychic gift
Skeptic magazine subj.
Unexplained phenomenon
What a clairvoyant has
Ghost Whisperer" skill
Eerie ability, briefly
J. B. Rhine's interest
Mental telepathy, e.g.
Parapsychology subject
Psychic hotline "skill
Wordless communication
Zener cards measure it
Clairvoyant's initials
Parapsychology letters
Psychic's claim: Abbr.
Psychic power, briefly
Sixth sense, initially
Sixth sense, for short
Deer's skill, for short
Intuition, maybe: Abbr.
It could make a prophet
Mentalist's gift: Abbr.
Mind-reading, for short
One of Kreskin's claims
Parapsychological subj.
Parapsychology, briefly
Power in sci-fi stories
Prof. Rhine's specialty
Psychic talent, briefly
Psychic's claim to fame
Seer's forte, for short
Sixth sense, familiarly
Sixth sense, informally
Subj. of parapsychology
Talent that defies sci.
Telepathic gift (Abbr.)
Telepathic skill: Abbr.
Thought transfer: Abbr.
Unproven skill, briefly
Ability scorned by many
Claim subject to debate
Clairvoyance initialism
Kreskin's claim to fame
Medium's claim, briefly
Precognition, for short
Uncanny gift, for short
Zener cards test for it
Second sight, for short
Clairvoyance, for short
Catching of thoughtwaves
Debatable mental ability
Dr. Rhine's field: Abbr.
It's all in Rhine's mind
It's beyond apprehension
Like-thinking, for short
Medium's gift, for short
Mentalist's skill: Abbr.
Mind reader's initialism
Paranormal "gift": Abbr.
Parapsychologist's spec.
Parapsychologist's subj.
Particularly, in a dict.
Psychic's "power": Abbr.
Psychic's source of info
Psychic's supposed skill
Second sight, familiarly
Seer's 'gift,' for short
Sixth-sense field: Abbr.
Telepathic talent: Abbr.
Telesthesia, for example
Thought waves, for short
Gift" to be skeptical of
Letters for mind-readers
Mentalist's claim: Abbr.
Parapsychologist's study
Psychic power, for short
Psychic's claim, briefly
Uncanny skill, for short
Head-to-head phenomenon?
Eerie ability, for short
More than mere intuition
Ability to pick things up
Disputed skill, for short
Geller's forte, for short
Initials for mind reading
Parapsychological letters
Parapsychology, for short
Prophetic gift, for short
Psychic ability, in brief
Psychic power, informally
Psychic's "gift," briefly
Psychic's field, in brief
Psychic's gift, allegedly
Supernatural power: Abbr.
Letters for a mind-reader
Psychic's ability (Abbr.)
Psychic's claimed ability
Uncanny talent, for short
Medium ability, for short
Paranormal skill, briefly
Thought-transfer initials
Paranormal power, briefly
Scanners" ability, briefly
Clairvoyant ability: Abbr.
Forward thinking, briefly?
Geller's talent, for short
Gift subject to skepticism
Handy skill for a gambler?
It may actually be a hunch
Kreskin's claim, for short
Means of secret knowledge?
Mind reader's skill: Abbr.
Mind-reading skill (abbr.)
Otherworldly talent: Abbr.
Paranormal ability (Abbr.)
Paranormal talent, briefly
Parapsychologists' concern
Psychic powers ( Acronym )
Source of internal dialog?
Subject for The X-Files
Uncanny faculty, for short
Debatable power, for short
Kreskin's gift, supposedly
Mentalist's skill, briefly
Paranormal gift, initially
Paranormal gift, for short
Psychic ability, for short
Psychic's asset, for short
Uncanny ability, for short
A medium's medium, briefly
Disputed psych. phenomenon
Telepathic talent, briefly
Psychic's claim, for short
The Shining" skill, briefly
Big topic in parapsychology
Cassandra's gift, for short
Foreseeing skill, for short
Form of precognition: Abbr.
Frequently debunked ability
Gift that's hard to believe
Mentalist's gift, for short
Mind reader's gift briefly
Paranormal ability, briefly
Parapsychologist's interest
Psychic's "gift," for short
Skeptic's target, for short
Skill at picking things up?
Skill at picking up things?
Skill tested by Zener cards
Telepath's "gift," in brief
Telepath's forte, for short
Telepathic trait, for short
Thought transfer, for short
Unproven ability, for short
Clairvoyant's claim (Abbr.)
Mind-reading ability: Abbr.
Paranormal claim, for short
Paranormal power, for short
Clairvoyant skill, initially
Dubious communication method
Duke Univ. experimental area
How some people seem to know
Mentalist's claim, for short
Mind reader's "power": Abbr.
Mind reader's claim, briefly
Paranormal skill, supposedly
Second sight, acronymi-cally
Spain, on Olympics telecasts
Special intuition, for short
Subj. of psychological study
The Amazing Randi debunks it
Psychic's ability, for short
Supposed psychic gift: Abbr.
It's tested with Zener cards
Mind reader's skill, briefly
Clairvoyant's claim, briefly
Clairaudience or clairvoyance
Clairvoyant's "gift," briefly
Letters denoting second sight
Mind reader's ability (abbr.)
Not-so-common sense, briefly?
Phenomenon studied at Duke U.
Power tested with Zener cards
Psychic Friends Network skill
Psychic phenomenon, for short
Psychic's claimed gift: Abbr.
Skill tested with Zener cards
Supposed "sixth sense": Abbr.
Subject of psych. experiments
Telepathic ability, for short
Unusual perception, for short
It's not too rare in a medium
Mind-reading ability, briefly
Sense tested with Zener cards
Subj. of a thought experiment
Clairvoyant's claim, in short
Letters denoting clairvoyance
Mae West's "Life, Sex and ___
Paranormal ability, for short
Supposed psychic power: Abbr.
Apparent psychic power: Abbr.
Clairvoyance, telepathy, etc.
Fortune-teller's claim: Abbr.
Mind-reading skill, for short
Prognosticator's forte, maybe
Clairvoyant's skill, for short
Clairvoyant's trait, for short
Extrasensory perception: Abbr.
Gift that not everyone accepts
John Edward's supposed ability
Letters denoting clairvoy-ance
Mind reader's ability, briefly
Mind reader's skill, for short
Psychic perception ( Acronym )
Psychic's "sixth sense": Abbr.
Psychic's claimed skill: Abbr.
Purported psychic power: Abbr.
The gift in the film "The Gift
Cousin of the Vulcan mind meld
Jeane Dixon's gift, supposedly
Most significantly, in texting
Subject of a psych. experiment
How a medium gets the message?
Psychic hotline "skill": Abbr.
Clairvoyant's claim, for short
Ability tested with Zener cards
Ability to identify Zener cards
Alleged telepathic power: Abbr.
Answer to ''How did you know?''
Capturing-of-thoughtwaves skill
Clairvoyant's favorite letters?
It goes head to head, for short
It's disproved with Zener cards
It's not part of the usual five
Letters denoting psychic powers
Mind reader's specialty (abbr.)
Paranormal "sixth sense": Abbr.
Parapsychology subject, briefly
Picking up strength, for short?
Purported psychic talent: Abbr.
Supposed psychic ability: Abbr.
Supposed telepathic gift: Abbr.
Walken's gift in "The Dead Zone
Alleged paranormal power: Abbr.
Parapsychology study, for short
Mind-reading ability, for short
Clairvoyance or telepathy: Abbr.
Clairvoyant's ability, for short
Hard-to-explain skill, for short
Head-to-head contact, for short?
Medium's supposed ability: Abbr.
Meeting of the minds, for short?
Psychic hotline "skill," briefly
Sixth sense, so it's said: Abbr.
Skill claimed by psychics: Abbr.
Skill used for picking things up
Supposed paranormal power: Abbr.
Supposed psychic gift, for short
Telepathy or clairvoyance: Abbr.
I know what you're thinking" gift
The Dead Zone" ability, for short
The Sixth Sense" ability, briefly
Alleged paranormal ability: Abbr.
Claim of some psychics, for short
How some people just seem to know
Mind-to-mind messaging, for short
Parapsychology subject, for short
Pickup artist's skill, for short?
Producer of a mental image, maybe
Psychic's purported gift, briefly
Psychic's supposed ability: Abbr.
Psychokinesis relative, for short
Purported paranormal power: Abbr.
Raven's gift, on "That's So Raven
Subj. of some thought experiments
Supposed "sixth sense," for short
Things may be picked up with this
What Zener cards test for (abbr.)
Initials for mind-reading ability
Nonverbal communication, for short
Gift" that brings out the skeptics
Ability to pick things up, briefly
Clairvoyance or telekinesis: Abbr.
Having someone's thoughts in mind?
Help in making a prediction, maybe
Mentalist's claimed ability: Abbr.
Power claimed by mentalists: Abbr.
Purported telepathic talent: Abbr.
Subj. of a James Randi chal¬lenge
Talent claimed by a psychic: Abbr.
Telekinesis or clairvoyance: Abbr.
Topic in parapsychology, for short
What psychics claim to have: Abbr.
Category that telepathy falls into
Mind reader's alleged skill: Abbr.
Mind reader's specialty, for short
Psychic's skill, supposedly: Abbr.
Supposed paranormal ability: Abbr.
Supposed supernatural power: Abbr.
Ability claimed by psychics: Abbr.
I know what you're thinking" claim
I know what you're thinking" skill
The Men Who Stare at Goats" subject
Cassandra's forte, in today's lingo
Margo Lane's ability in "The Shadow
Mentalist's skill, allegedly: Abbr.
___ you thinking what I'm thinking?
Purported mind-reading skill: Abbr.
I know what you're thinking" feeling
Abbr. in many dictionary definitions
Alleged ability to read minds: Abbr.
Coincidence is often mistaken for it
Crystal gazer's supposed gift: Abbr.
Fortune-teller's alleged gift: Abbr.
Gift that many don't buy, for short?
Mentalist's alleged ability, briefly
Mentalist's power, supposedly: Abbr.
One way to pick things up, for short
Paranormal power, purportedly: Abbr.
Skill claimed by mind readers: Abbr.
Society for Psychical Research subj.
Special communicative skill, briefly
Subj. of some psychology experiments
What mentalists claim to have: Abbr.
Zener cards presumably tested for it
It's tested with Zener cards (abbr.)
Mind reader's claimed ability: Abbr.
Supposed supernatural ability: Abbr.
I know what you're thinking" ability
Gift tested with Zener cards, briefly
Mind reader's supposed ability: Abbr.
Purported talent of mentalists: Abbr.
Talent claimed by mind readers: Abbr.
Telepathic ability, supposedly: Abbr.
Purported mind-reading ability: Abbr.
Ganzfeld experiment subject, for short
Much-disputed claim of psychics: Abbr.
Often-debunked telepathic power: Abbr.
Psychic's alleged mental powers: Abbr.
Psychic's purported ability, for short
Skill tested by Zener cards, for short
Subj. of Stephen King's "The Dead Zone
Subject of "The Men Who Stare at Goats
What Zener cards were used to test for
Ability claimed by a clairvoyant: Abbr.
Deanna Troi's asset, on "Star Trek: TNG
Fortune-teller's claimed ability: Abbr.
It can get you into someone's headspace
Jocular response to "How did you know?!
Possible response to "How did you know?
Rafael Nadal's country, in the Olympics
What Zener cards purportedly tested for
Clairvoyant's ability, supposedly: Abbr.
Clairvoyant's claimed ability, for short
Eerie gift in "The Dead Zone," for short
Fortune-teller's skill, allegedly: Abbr.
Fortune-teller's supposed ability: Abbr.
If you have it, you don't need this clue
It's measured by Zener cards, supposedly
Madrid's country, on Olympic scoreboards
Mentalist's purported ability, for short
Purported skill for a clairvoyant: Abbr.
Supposed skill of some hotline operators
Abbr. seen in some dictionary definitions
Fortune-teller's purported ability: Abbr.
It can get you into a different headspace
It can get you into a different mindframe
What fortune-tellers claim to have: Abbr.
Psychic letters hidden in the theme words
Supposed ability to see the future: Abbr.
What mind readers claim to possess: Abbr.
Ability studied in the ganzfeld experiment
Ability tested with Zener cards, for short
Gift that's subject to skepticism, briefly
If you had it, you wouldn't need this clue
Purported ability for a clairvoyant: Abbr.
Rafael Nadal's home, in Olympics shorthand
I know what you're thinking" ability: Abbr.
Subj. of the opening scene in "Ghostbusters
Whoa ... it's like we have ___ or something!
It can help you see what others are thinking
Theoretically useful skill for a poker player
I know what you're thinking" ability, in brief
Ability of some of the heroes on NBC's "Heroes
If you have this, you already knew this answer
I know what you're thinking" feeling, for short
Clairvoyance or telekinesis, for example: Abbr.
Telekinesis or clairvoyance, for example: Abbr.
Gift" tested with ganzfeld experiments, for short
Subj. of a space-to-Earth experiment on Apollo 14
Supposed ability to read people's thoughts: Abbr.
Sixth sense" that Zener cards supposedly test: Abbr.
It transcends sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch
Mental power that a psychic might claim to have: Abbr.
Mystical ability that's tested with Zener cards: Abbr.
If you have this, this puzzle isn't much of a challenge
Skill claimed by "Hollywood Medium" Tyler Henry, briefly
Subj. of a test that might involve identifying playing cards
Subj. of psychological experiments with inconclusive results
It might prompt you to say, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
If you have it, you might know what this answer is without reading the clue
Network that doesn't give the NHL nearly the attention it deserves, says me
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