6th sense |
Psi power |
Foresight |
Telepathy |
Eerie gift |
Sixth sense |
Eerie asset |
Eerie power |
Eerie skill |
Rhine study |
Sci-fi gift |
Sense No. 6 |
Super power |
Mental gift |
Brain power |
Telesthesia |
Extra sense? |
Inner vision |
It's psychic |
Medium claim |
Occult skill |
Precognition |
Psi category |
Psych. claim |
Sci-fi skill |
Seer's "gift |
Seer's asset |
Seer's sense |
Seer's power |
It's a "gift |
Medium power |
Mental magic |
Psychic gift |
Seer's forte |
Sci-fi power |
Seer's claim |
Mind-reading |
Seer's skill |
Second sight |
Special gift |
Clairvoyance |
A way to know |
Duke U. study |
Geller's gift |
Kreskin claim |
Kreskin forte |
Mystic's gift |
Psychic claim |
Psychic subj. |
Seers have it |
Special sense |
Strange "gift |
Suspect skill |
Telemessaging |
Uncanny claim |
Unusual power |
Empath's gift |
Medium skill? |
Medium talent |
Sci-fi talent |
Super vision? |
Thought waves |
Dubious "gift |
Medium's gift |
Realm of Ares |
Psychic sense |
Psychic skill |
Psychic power |
Eerie ability |
Carnac's gift? |
Lengua de Mex. |
Medium letters |
Notably: Abbr. |
Psychic talent |
Rhine initials |
Seventh sense? |
Special sight? |
Chiefly: Abbr. |
Empath's skill |
Occult ability |
Sixth of five? |
Medium's claim |
Sci-fi ability |
Prophetic gift |
Psychic inits. |
Special ability |
Alleged ability |
Debatable claim |
Debatable power |
It's paranormal |
Kreskin's sense |
Kreskin's forte |
Medium quality? |
Ment. telepathy |
Mind meld skill |
Power in sci-fi |
Predict-ability |
Psychic's forte |
Sci-fi facility |
Special insight |
Telepath's gift |
To know one way |
Kreskin's skill |
Medium's talent |
Paranormal gift |
Prophet's claim |
Medium ability? |
Psychic's "gift |
Psychic's power |
Debatable "gift |
Medium's method |
Psychic's skill |
Telepathic gift |
Psychic's asset |
The sixth sense |
Uncanny ability |
Psychic letters |
Telepathy, e.g. |
Uncommon sense? |
Psychic ability |
Kreskin's claim |
Reading" ability |
Arguable ability |
Debatable "skill |
Disputed ability |
Initial feeling? |
J.B. Rhine subj. |
Medium capacity? |
Medium's ability |
Mental telepathy |
Mysterious "gift |
Paranormal skill |
Paranormal topic |
Psychics claim |
Quick perception |
Special feeling? |
Surprising "gift |
Telepath's thing |
Telepathic abbr. |
Telepathic power |
Thought process? |
Thought transfer |
Uncommon insight |
Uri Geller claim |
Zener card subj. |
Debunked!" topic |
Acuity of a sort |
Medium's medium? |
Telepath's claim |
Telepathy: abbr. |
Gift of prophecy |
Mysterious power |
Thoughtful gift? |
Paranormal claim |
Psychic initials |
Medium strength? |
Paranormal power |
Unproven ability |
Dr. Rhine's study |
Gift in "The Gift |
Gift of foresight |
Intuitive letters |
J. B. Rhine subj. |
Mentalist's "gift |
Picking up skill? |
Picking up power? |
Psychic attribute |
Psychic's letters |
Psychic's métier |
Purported ability |
Questionable gift |
Sci-fi film power |
Seer's capability |
Telepathic talent |
Unproven facility |
Zener cards skill |
A gift, for short |
Dr. Rhine's field |
Exceptional sight |
Pick-up capacity? |
Psychic's ability |
Sci-fi phenomenon |
Clairvoyant skill |
Exceptional skill |
Unexplained skill |
Telesthesia, e.g. |
Mentalist's claim |
Brief second sight |
Debatable "ability |
It makes a prophet |
Mind-reading skill |
Picking things up? |
Precognition, e.g. |
Psychic propensity |
Sixth sense's rel. |
Subj. for skeptics |
Supernatural skill |
Telepathic faculty |
Telepathist's gift |
Telepathy relative |
Telepathy's cousin |
Brief clairvoyance |
Inexplicable skill |
Picking up things? |
Telepathy, briefly |
Telepathy initials |
Clairvoyant's gift |
Paranormal letters |
Clairvoyance, e.g. |
Paranormal ability |
Particularly: Abbr. |
Clairvoyant's claim |
Clairaudience, e.g. |
Clairvoyance inits. |
Clairvoyant's abbr. |
Clairvoyant's power |
Controversial "gift |
Inexplicable talent |
J. B. Rhine's field |
Mind reader's "gift |
Mind-reader's claim |
More than a feeling |
Precognitive talent |
Professor X's power |
Pseudoscience subj. |
Second sight (abbr) |
Sight for seer eyes |
Sixth sense acronym |
Telepathic initials |
Telepathic letters? |
Unexplained ability |
Clairvoyance, abbr. |
Clairvoyant ability |
Clairvoyant's asset |
Not-so-common sense |
Seer's alleged gift |
Wave-catching skill |
Clairvoyant letters |
Clairvoyant's forte |
Mind-reader's skill |
Sixth sense (Abbr.) |
Zener cards test it |
Clairvoyant's skill |
Sixth sense letters |
More than intuition |
Claimed psychic gift |
Clairvoyance acronym |
Form of mind-reading |
Intuition, for short |
Mentalist's "ability |
Mind reader's inits. |
One means of knowing |
Parapsychology power |
Parapsychology skill |
Parapsychology study |
Parapyschology skill |
Prescience of a sort |
Second-sight letters |
Seer's gift, briefly |
Special recognition? |
Supposed sixth sense |
Telepathy's relative |
Test type at Duke U. |
Fortuneteller's gift |
In particular: Abbr. |
Silent communication |
Sixth sense briefly |
Sixth-sense initials |
The Dead Zone" subj. |
Parapsychology subj. |
Clairvoyance letters |
Meeting of the minds |
Mind-reading ability |
Telepathy, for short |
Clairvoyant's talent |
Parapsychology topic |
The Green Mile" subj. |
Claimed psychic skill |
Clairvoyant's ability |
Dr. Rhine's specialty |
Form of communication |
Fortuneteller's forte |
Forward-looking claim |
Hard-to-prove ability |
It's a gift, some say |
Letters for a psychic |
Metal worker's claim? |
Mind reading, briefly |
Paraspsychology study |
Prof. Rhine's concern |
Psychic gift briefly |
Psychic talent: Abbr. |
Psychic's gift: Abbr. |
Sci-fi reading skill? |
So-called sixth sense |
Spain's Olympics code |
Spiritualist' insight |
Spurious mental skill |
Super-sight of a sort |
Uncanny talent: Abbr. |
Uncommon sense: Abbr. |
What makes a prophet? |
Clairvoyance briefly |
Controversial ability |
Mind reader's ability |
Mind reader's letters |
Seer's supposed skill |
Supposed psychic gift |
What Zener cards test |
Clairvoyant's letters |
J. B. Rhine specialty |
Psych. research topic |
Clairvoyance initials |
Unusual gift of sight |
The Sixth Sense" sense |
1965 Miles Davis album |
Brain power, for short |
Dubious sense, briefly |
Oracles have it: Abbr. |
Psychic ability: Abbr. |
Psychic power's inits. |
Psychic's claim, often |
Purported psychic gift |
Skeptic magazine subj. |
Unexplained phenomenon |
What a clairvoyant has |
Ghost Whisperer" skill |
Eerie ability, briefly |
J. B. Rhine's interest |
Mental telepathy, e.g. |
Parapsychology subject |
Psychic hotline "skill |
Wordless communication |
Zener cards measure it |
Clairvoyant's initials |
Parapsychology letters |
Psychic's claim: Abbr. |
Psychic power, briefly |
Sixth sense, initially |
Sixth sense, for short |
Deer's skill, for short |
Intuition, maybe: Abbr. |
It could make a prophet |
Mentalist's gift: Abbr. |
Mind-reading, for short |
One of Kreskin's claims |
Parapsychological subj. |
Parapsychology, briefly |
Power in sci-fi stories |
Prof. Rhine's specialty |
Psychic talent, briefly |
Psychic's claim to fame |
Seer's forte, for short |
Sixth sense, familiarly |
Sixth sense, informally |
Subj. of parapsychology |
Talent that defies sci. |
Telepathic gift (Abbr.) |
Telepathic skill: Abbr. |
Thought transfer: Abbr. |
Unproven skill, briefly |
Ability scorned by many |
Claim subject to debate |
Clairvoyance initialism |
Kreskin's claim to fame |
Medium's claim, briefly |
Precognition, for short |
Uncanny gift, for short |
Zener cards test for it |
Second sight, for short |
Clairvoyance, for short |
Catching of thoughtwaves |
Debatable mental ability |
Dr. Rhine's field: Abbr. |
It's all in Rhine's mind |
It's beyond apprehension |
Like-thinking, for short |
Medium's gift, for short |
Mentalist's skill: Abbr. |
Mind reader's initialism |
Paranormal "gift": Abbr. |
Parapsychologist's spec. |
Parapsychologist's subj. |
Particularly, in a dict. |
Psychic's "power": Abbr. |
Psychic's source of info |
Psychic's supposed skill |
Second sight, familiarly |
Seer's 'gift,' for short |
Sixth-sense field: Abbr. |
Telepathic talent: Abbr. |
Telesthesia, for example |
Thought waves, for short |
Gift" to be skeptical of |
Letters for mind-readers |
Mentalist's claim: Abbr. |
Parapsychologist's study |
Psychic power, for short |
Psychic's claim, briefly |
Uncanny skill, for short |
Head-to-head phenomenon? |
Eerie ability, for short |
More than mere intuition |
Ability to pick things up |
Disputed skill, for short |
Geller's forte, for short |
Initials for mind reading |
Parapsychological letters |
Parapsychology, for short |
Prophetic gift, for short |
Psychic ability, in brief |
Psychic power, informally |
Psychic's "gift," briefly |
Psychic's field, in brief |
Psychic's gift, allegedly |
Supernatural power: Abbr. |
Letters for a mind-reader |
Psychic's ability (Abbr.) |
Psychic's claimed ability |
Uncanny talent, for short |
Medium ability, for short |
Paranormal skill, briefly |
Thought-transfer initials |
Paranormal power, briefly |
Scanners" ability, briefly |
Clairvoyant ability: Abbr. |
Forward thinking, briefly? |
Geller's talent, for short |
Gift subject to skepticism |
Handy skill for a gambler? |
It may actually be a hunch |
Kreskin's claim, for short |
Means of secret knowledge? |
Mind reader's skill: Abbr. |
Mind-reading skill (abbr.) |
Otherworldly talent: Abbr. |
Paranormal ability (Abbr.) |
Paranormal talent, briefly |
Parapsychologists' concern |
Psychic powers ( Acronym ) |
Source of internal dialog? |
Subject for The X-Files |
Uncanny faculty, for short |
Debatable power, for short |
Kreskin's gift, supposedly |
Mentalist's skill, briefly |
Paranormal gift, initially |
Paranormal gift, for short |
Psychic ability, for short |
Psychic's asset, for short |
Uncanny ability, for short |
A medium's medium, briefly |
Disputed psych. phenomenon |
Telepathic talent, briefly |
Psychic's claim, for short |
The Shining" skill, briefly |
Big topic in parapsychology |
Cassandra's gift, for short |
Foreseeing skill, for short |
Form of precognition: Abbr. |
Frequently debunked ability |
Gift that's hard to believe |
Mentalist's gift, for short |
Mind reader's gift briefly |
Paranormal ability, briefly |
Parapsychologist's interest |
Psychic's "gift," for short |
Skeptic's target, for short |
Skill at picking things up? |
Skill at picking up things? |
Skill tested by Zener cards |
Telepath's "gift," in brief |
Telepath's forte, for short |
Telepathic trait, for short |
Thought transfer, for short |
Unproven ability, for short |
Clairvoyant's claim (Abbr.) |
Mind-reading ability: Abbr. |
Paranormal claim, for short |
Paranormal power, for short |
Clairvoyant skill, initially |
Dubious communication method |
Duke Univ. experimental area |
How some people seem to know |
Mentalist's claim, for short |
Mind reader's "power": Abbr. |
Mind reader's claim, briefly |
Paranormal skill, supposedly |
Second sight, acronymi-cally |
Spain, on Olympics telecasts |
Special intuition, for short |
Subj. of psychological study |
The Amazing Randi debunks it |
Psychic's ability, for short |
Supposed psychic gift: Abbr. |
It's tested with Zener cards |
Mind reader's skill, briefly |
Clairvoyant's claim, briefly |
Clairaudience or clairvoyance |
Clairvoyant's "gift," briefly |
Letters denoting second sight |
Mind reader's ability (abbr.) |
Not-so-common sense, briefly? |
Phenomenon studied at Duke U. |
Power tested with Zener cards |
Psychic Friends Network skill |
Psychic phenomenon, for short |
Psychic's claimed gift: Abbr. |
Skill tested with Zener cards |
Supposed "sixth sense": Abbr. |
Subject of psych. experiments |
Telepathic ability, for short |
Unusual perception, for short |
It's not too rare in a medium |
Mind-reading ability, briefly |
Sense tested with Zener cards |
Subj. of a thought experiment |
Clairvoyant's claim, in short |
Letters denoting clairvoyance |
Mae West's "Life, Sex and ___ |
Paranormal ability, for short |
Supposed psychic power: Abbr. |
Apparent psychic power: Abbr. |
Clairvoyance, telepathy, etc. |
Fortune-teller's claim: Abbr. |
Mind-reading skill, for short |
Prognosticator's forte, maybe |
Clairvoyant's skill, for short |
Clairvoyant's trait, for short |
Extrasensory perception: Abbr. |
Gift that not everyone accepts |
John Edward's supposed ability |
Letters denoting clairvoy-ance |
Mind reader's ability, briefly |
Mind reader's skill, for short |
Psychic perception ( Acronym ) |
Psychic's "sixth sense": Abbr. |
Psychic's claimed skill: Abbr. |
Purported psychic power: Abbr. |
The gift in the film "The Gift |
Cousin of the Vulcan mind meld |
Jeane Dixon's gift, supposedly |
Most significantly, in texting |
Subject of a psych. experiment |
How a medium gets the message? |
Psychic hotline "skill": Abbr. |
Clairvoyant's claim, for short |
Ability tested with Zener cards |
Ability to identify Zener cards |
Alleged telepathic power: Abbr. |
Answer to ''How did you know?'' |
Capturing-of-thoughtwaves skill |
Clairvoyant's favorite letters? |
It goes head to head, for short |
It's disproved with Zener cards |
It's not part of the usual five |
Letters denoting psychic powers |
Mind reader's specialty (abbr.) |
Paranormal "sixth sense": Abbr. |
Parapsychology subject, briefly |
Picking up strength, for short? |
Purported psychic talent: Abbr. |
Supposed psychic ability: Abbr. |
Supposed telepathic gift: Abbr. |
Walken's gift in "The Dead Zone |
Alleged paranormal power: Abbr. |
Parapsychology study, for short |
Mind-reading ability, for short |
Clairvoyance or telepathy: Abbr. |
Clairvoyant's ability, for short |
Hard-to-explain skill, for short |
Head-to-head contact, for short? |
Medium's supposed ability: Abbr. |
Meeting of the minds, for short? |
Psychic hotline "skill," briefly |
Sixth sense, so it's said: Abbr. |
Skill claimed by psychics: Abbr. |
Skill used for picking things up |
Supposed paranormal power: Abbr. |
Supposed psychic gift, for short |
Telepathy or clairvoyance: Abbr. |
I know what you're thinking" gift |
The Dead Zone" ability, for short |
The Sixth Sense" ability, briefly |
Alleged paranormal ability: Abbr. |
Claim of some psychics, for short |
How some people just seem to know |
Mind-to-mind messaging, for short |
Parapsychology subject, for short |
Pickup artist's skill, for short? |
Producer of a mental image, maybe |
Psychic's purported gift, briefly |
Psychic's supposed ability: Abbr. |
Psychokinesis relative, for short |
Purported paranormal power: Abbr. |
Raven's gift, on "That's So Raven |
Subj. of some thought experiments |
Supposed "sixth sense," for short |
Things may be picked up with this |
What Zener cards test for (abbr.) |
Initials for mind-reading ability |
Nonverbal communication, for short |
Gift" that brings out the skeptics |
Ability to pick things up, briefly |
Clairvoyance or telekinesis: Abbr. |
Having someone's thoughts in mind? |
Help in making a prediction, maybe |
Mentalist's claimed ability: Abbr. |
Power claimed by mentalists: Abbr. |
Purported telepathic talent: Abbr. |
Subj. of a James Randi chal¬lenge |
Talent claimed by a psychic: Abbr. |
Telekinesis or clairvoyance: Abbr. |
Topic in parapsychology, for short |
What psychics claim to have: Abbr. |
Category that telepathy falls into |
Mind reader's alleged skill: Abbr. |
Mind reader's specialty, for short |
Psychic's skill, supposedly: Abbr. |
Supposed paranormal ability: Abbr. |
Supposed supernatural power: Abbr. |
Ability claimed by psychics: Abbr. |
I know what you're thinking" claim |
I know what you're thinking" skill |
The Men Who Stare at Goats" subject |
Cassandra's forte, in today's lingo |
Margo Lane's ability in "The Shadow |
Mentalist's skill, allegedly: Abbr. |
___ you thinking what I'm thinking? |
Purported mind-reading skill: Abbr. |
I know what you're thinking" feeling |
Abbr. in many dictionary definitions |
Alleged ability to read minds: Abbr. |
Coincidence is often mistaken for it |
Crystal gazer's supposed gift: Abbr. |
Fortune-teller's alleged gift: Abbr. |
Gift that many don't buy, for short? |
Mentalist's alleged ability, briefly |
Mentalist's power, supposedly: Abbr. |
One way to pick things up, for short |
Paranormal power, purportedly: Abbr. |
Skill claimed by mind readers: Abbr. |
Society for Psychical Research subj. |
Special communicative skill, briefly |
Subj. of some psychology experiments |
What mentalists claim to have: Abbr. |
Zener cards presumably tested for it |
It's tested with Zener cards (abbr.) |
Mind reader's claimed ability: Abbr. |
Supposed supernatural ability: Abbr. |
I know what you're thinking" ability |
Gift tested with Zener cards, briefly |
Mind reader's supposed ability: Abbr. |
Purported talent of mentalists: Abbr. |
Talent claimed by mind readers: Abbr. |
Telepathic ability, supposedly: Abbr. |
Purported mind-reading ability: Abbr. |
Ganzfeld experiment subject, for short |
Much-disputed claim of psychics: Abbr. |
Often-debunked telepathic power: Abbr. |
Psychic's alleged mental powers: Abbr. |
Psychic's purported ability, for short |
Skill tested by Zener cards, for short |
Subj. of Stephen King's "The Dead Zone |
Subject of "The Men Who Stare at Goats |
What Zener cards were used to test for |
Ability claimed by a clairvoyant: Abbr. |
Deanna Troi's asset, on "Star Trek: TNG |
Fortune-teller's claimed ability: Abbr. |
It can get you into someone's headspace |
Jocular response to "How did you know?! |
Possible response to "How did you know? |
Rafael Nadal's country, in the Olympics |
What Zener cards purportedly tested for |
Clairvoyant's ability, supposedly: Abbr. |
Clairvoyant's claimed ability, for short |
Eerie gift in "The Dead Zone," for short |
Fortune-teller's skill, allegedly: Abbr. |
Fortune-teller's supposed ability: Abbr. |
If you have it, you don't need this clue |
It's measured by Zener cards, supposedly |
Madrid's country, on Olympic scoreboards |
Mentalist's purported ability, for short |
Purported skill for a clairvoyant: Abbr. |
Supposed skill of some hotline operators |
Abbr. seen in some dictionary definitions |
Fortune-teller's purported ability: Abbr. |
It can get you into a different headspace |
It can get you into a different mindframe |
What fortune-tellers claim to have: Abbr. |
Psychic letters hidden in the theme words |
Supposed ability to see the future: Abbr. |
What mind readers claim to possess: Abbr. |
Ability studied in the ganzfeld experiment |
Ability tested with Zener cards, for short |
Gift that's subject to skepticism, briefly |
If you had it, you wouldn't need this clue |
Purported ability for a clairvoyant: Abbr. |
Rafael Nadal's home, in Olympics shorthand |
I know what you're thinking" ability: Abbr. |
Subj. of the opening scene in "Ghostbusters |
Whoa ... it's like we have ___ or something! |
It can help you see what others are thinking |
Theoretically useful skill for a poker player |
I know what you're thinking" ability, in brief |
Ability of some of the heroes on NBC's "Heroes |
If you have this, you already knew this answer |
I know what you're thinking" feeling, for short |
Clairvoyance or telekinesis, for example: Abbr. |
Telekinesis or clairvoyance, for example: Abbr. |
Gift" tested with ganzfeld experiments, for short |
Subj. of a space-to-Earth experiment on Apollo 14 |
Supposed ability to read people's thoughts: Abbr. |
Sixth sense" that Zener cards supposedly test: Abbr. |
It transcends sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch |
Mental power that a psychic might claim to have: Abbr. |
Mystical ability that's tested with Zener cards: Abbr. |
If you have this, this puzzle isn't much of a challenge |
Skill claimed by "Hollywood Medium" Tyler Henry, briefly |
Subj. of a test that might involve identifying playing cards |
Subj. of psychological experiments with inconclusive results |
It might prompt you to say, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking? |
If you have it, you might know what this answer is without reading the clue |
Network that doesn't give the NHL nearly the attention it deserves, says me |