Age |
Eon |
Bush |
Stage |
Years |
Cycle |
Epoch |
Swing |
Period |
Common |
Silent |
Periods |
A time. |
Siècle |
Clinton |
NOW aim |
Chapter |
Dynasty |
MLB stat |
___-jazz |
Timespan |
Time ___ |
Romantic |
BCE part |
Disco __ |
Obama __ |
Eon part |
NOW goal |
Long time |
Time span |
Past time |
Time past |
____ span |
_____ Day |
Fab rival |
Long span |
NOW issue |
Paige no. |
Paleozoic |
Saeculum. |
Stalin __ |
Tudor ___ |
Lib cause |
All rival |
Classical |
RBI's kin |
Slab stat |
Milestone |
NOW cause |
Wisk rival |
Tide rival |
Time frame |
Time piece |
Major span |
Great time |
Soviet ___ |
Depression |
Doo-wop __ |
MLB figure |
Modern ___ |
Mound fig. |
Noted span |
NOW's goal |
Our times. |
Time slice |
#MeToo ___ |
Cueto stat |
Grand time |
Major time |
Reagan-___ |
Noted time |
Time chunk |
Ace's stat |
Big period |
Time-period |
Golden ____ |
History bit |
Internet __ |
Cenozoic __ |
Cone's stat |
Eon segment |
Epoch's kin |
Gaslight __ |
Gooden stat |
Goodly time |
Mayan, e.g. |
Mesozoic -- |
Mound meas. |
Mound stat. |
Nomo number |
NOW's cause |
P&G product |
Post-PC ___ |
Postwar ___ |
Day and age |
Eon subunit |
NOW project |
Age of note |
Notable age |
NOW concern |
Part of eon |
Prohibition |
Storied age |
Titled time |
Part of BCE |
Time gone by |
Julian, e.g. |
Long stretch |
Notable span |
Big ___ time |
Big stretch? |
Span of time |
History unit |
Ace's number |
Christian -- |
Cold war ___ |
Colonial ___ |
Decade or so |
Defined time |
Failed amdt. |
Hurler's no. |
K's lower it |
Koufax stat. |
No. for Nomo |
Past portion |
Relief meas. |
Seaver stat. |
Span of note |
Time to mark |
Vulgar, e.g. |
Washday name |
Young figure |
Young number |
Closer's no. |
Common time? |
Eon fraction |
History span |
Period piece |
Prime period |
Bygone cause |
Diamond fig. |
Guidry stat. |
Special span |
Time stretch |
Golden" time |
Eon division |
It's history |
Pitching no. |
Special time |
Bullpen stat |
Victorian __ |
Historic age |
Time of note |
Noted period |
Notable time |
Diamond stat. |
Time division |
MLB statistic |
Timeline unit |
Jazz, for one |
Historic time |
Washday brand |
Laundry brand |
Point in time |
Geologic span |
Geologic time |
Bull pen stat |
Clemens' stat |
Cousin of age |
Darling stat. |
Dead-ball ___ |
Dempster stat |
Distinct span |
Dubbed period |
Edwardian ___ |
Halladay stat |
Live-ball ___ |
Marked period |
Memorable age |
Neolithic ___ |
No. for Maine |
Notable years |
NOW's concern |
Pitcher meas. |
Tenure, maybe |
The '80s, say |
The swing ___ |
Themed period |
Timeline stat |
Watergate-___ |
A goal of NOW |
Block of time |
Cy Young stat |
Geology topic |
Gay '90s, say |
Issue for NOW |
NOW objective |
Related years |
Span of years |
Time interval |
Time on earth |
Timeline time |
Chunk of time |
History topic |
Old NOW cause |
Pitcher's no. |
Years of note |
Slice of time |
Timeline part |
Distinct time |
Eventful time |
Historic span |
History chunk |
Major stretch |
End of an ___ |
Closer's stat |
Bygone period |
Important age |
Baseball stat. |
Ballpark fig.? |
Nostalgic time |
Bit of history |
Amount of time |
Generation ___ |
Notable period |
Important time |
Memorable time |
Pitcher's stat |
Geological age |
The '60s, e.g. |
Long division? |
Long time span |
A goal for NOW |
Annals excerpt |
Augustan, e.g. |
Big Band _____ |
Bold shelfmate |
Cliff Lee stat |
Contreras stat |
Feminist amdt. |
Fireman's stat |
Gay 90's, e.g. |
Greek or Roman |
Jazz or Bronze |
Napoleonic ___ |
Oft-named time |
Paleozic, e.g. |
Part of an eon |
Period or stat |
Pitching abbr. |
Post-truth ___ |
Progressive __ |
Prominent time |
Reliever's no. |
Roman or Greek |
Roman, for one |
Seaver's stat. |
Starters' stat |
Stat for Viola |
Studied period |
The 50's, e.g. |
The 90's, e.g. |
Time for study |
Unique chapter |
All competitor |
Detergent name |
Eventful years |
Historic epoch |
It's a stretch |
Mayan or Roman |
Musical period |
Point of time. |
Standout years |
Timeline chunk |
Time-line span |
Timeline swath |
'70s NOW cause |
Disco, for one |
Fab competitor |
Gaslight, e.g. |
Memorable span |
Cenozoic, e.g. |
Big Band, e.g. |
Important span |
Timeline slice |
Baseball abbr. |
Pitching stat. |
Mesozoic, e.g. |
Momentous time |
Historical age |
Period of note |
Part of Q.E.D. |
Tide competitor |
Detergent brand |
Quite some time |
Period of time. |
Pitcher's pride |
All alternative |
Long, long time |
Historical span |
Time in history |
Geologic period |
Historic period |
Fab alternative |
Geological span |
Geological time |
Dash competitor |
Period of years |
History chapter |
Pitching stats? |
Edwardian, e.g. |
'90s music, e.g |
Are in reverse? |
Cenozoic is one |
Christian, e.g. |
Common or Roman |
Desperate steps |
Emerald center? |
Feller's figure |
Feminists' bill |
Hurler's figure |
Hurlers stat. |
Julian or Varro |
Long reign, say |
Longish stretch |
Moundsman's no. |
Notable segment |
Noteworthy span |
NOW's objective |
Page in history |
Significant age |
Stage of a sort |
Stat for Guidry |
Stat for Maddux |
Stat for Uehara |
Stat. for Dr. K |
Tennis' Open __ |
The Clinton ___ |
Timeline period |
Wisk competitor |
A time in music |
Baseball figure |
Cam attachment? |
Failed NOW goal |
Particular time |
Period relative |
Ruth's was 2.28 |
Stat for an ace |
Stat for Koufax |
Stat for Seaver |
The dot-com ___ |
Time remembered |
Time-line slice |
Don Larsen stat |
Feminists' goal |
History section |
Nolan Ryan stat |
Notable stretch |
Southpaw's stat |
The Big Band __ |
Hunk of history |
Remarkable time |
Victorian, e.g. |
History stretch |
Page of history |
Part of history |
Eventful period |
Eon subdivision |
Elizabethan ___ |
Newsworthy time |
Distinct period |
Paleozoic, e.g. |
Pitching number |
Noteworthy time |
Reliever's stat |
History segment |
Several periods |
Historical time |
Span of history |
Tide alternative |
Division of time |
Time of the past |
The Gaslight ___ |
It may be golden |
Time to remember |
Important period |
Slice of history |
Wisk alternative |
Cheer competitor |
Bold alternative |
Surf alternative |
.biz alternative |
Big Band" period |
Archeozoic, e.g. |
B.C.E. concluder |
Bush-Clinton ___ |
Cole Hamels stat |
Dash rival, once |
Day or many days |
Disco '70s, e.g. |
Disco or Clinton |
Eminent interval |
Eventful chapter |
Failed amendment |
Feminist measure |
Geologist's span |
Geologist's time |
Gilded Age, e.g. |
Influential time |
Koji Uehara stat |
Long reign, e.g. |
Meaningful date. |
MLB's steroid __ |
Neoarchean, e.g. |
Nostalgic period |
Notable interval |
Noteworthy epoch |
NOW members' aim |
NOW supported it |
Oft-named period |
Pitcher's figure |
Roman or Persian |
Setup man's stat |
Sizable duration |
Span of the past |
Special timespan |
Stage in history |
Stat for Fingers |
Stat for Kershaw |
Stat for Santana |
Stat. for Gooden |
Swing time, e.g. |
Temporal stretch |
The end of an __ |
Time often named |
Time with a name |
Depression, e.g. |
Former NOW cause |
Golden age, e.g. |
Group of periods |
Historian's unit |
Historical epoch |
Multiple periods |
Old polit. cause |
Stat for Gossage |
Historical topic |
Mayan or Mundane |
Pitcher's number |
Stat for hurlers |
Timeline chapter |
Notable timespan |
Political period |
Historical stage |
Momentous period |
Timeline stretch |
Historic chapter |
Prominent period |
Stat for Clemens |
Stretch of years |
Timeline section |
Historic stretch |
Chunk of history |
Significant span |
Stage of history |
Timeline portion |
Distinctive time |
Silent or Golden |
Timeline segment |
Significant time |
Piece of history |
Memorable period |
Humorist Bombeck |
Pitcher's concern |
Geologic division |
Period of history |
Geological period |
Historical period |
Ballpark figures? |
Period in history |
String of periods |
Special time span |
1970's-80's cause |
Amendment letters |
Big Band follower |
Big Band or Disco |
Big Band or Swing |
Big block of time |
Bush ___ tax cuts |
Bygone pol. cause |
Celebrated period |
Chunk of the past |
Competitor of All |
Disco ___ (1970s) |
Dreft alternative |
Historic interval |
Identifiable time |
It's urged by NOW |
Jurassic, for one |
Koufax's was 2.76 |
Laundry day brand |
McCarthy, for one |
Named time period |
NOW's time frame? |
Onetime NOW cause |
Period in geology |
Phase of history. |
Precambrian, e.g. |
Presidency, often |
Set-up man's stat |
Stat for Martinez |
The Sixties, e.g. |
Tim Lincecum fig. |
Tim Lincecum stat |
Time line listing |
Waylaid amendment |
Chapter of a sort |
Disco or Big Band |
Gaslight, for one |
Hall of Fame stat |
History book time |
History text unit |
Large time piece? |
Max Scherzer stat |
Notable time span |
Prominent stretch |
Stat for a hurler |
Stat for Cy Young |
Swing or Big Band |
The dead-ball ___ |
Time worth noting |
Historic division |
Geologic timespan |
Historic timespan |
Roy Halladay stat |
Sandy Koufax stat |
Cause for Steinem |
Cheer alternative |
Elizabethan, e.g. |
Stat for a closer |
Important stretch |
Particular period |
Stat for Sabathia |
Historian's focus |
Memorable stretch |
Prohibition, e.g. |
Stat for pitchers |
Mesozoic, for one |
Timeline division |
Major time period |
Cenozoic, for one |
Historians' study |
Piece of the past |
Noteworthy period |
Alternative to all |
Baseball statistic |
Laundry room brand |
Historian's period |
Historical chapter |
Stretch of history |
Distinctive period |
Geologic time span |
Geologic time unit |
Christian, for one |
Baseball card stat |
The Gay '90s, e.g. |
Gay Nineties, e.g. |
It's a big stretch |
Quod ___ faciendum |
Edwardian, for one |
Good Feeling" time |
1970s polit. cause |
Actian or Augustan |
An interest of NOW |
Byzantine, for one |
CEO stint, perhaps |
Chris Sale's stat. |
Competitor of Tide |
Defeated Amendment |
Generation or more |
Good Feeling, e.g. |
History class unit |
History text topic |
Important interval |
It's backed by NOW |
MLB defensive stat |
Monroe enjoyed one |
Number of Fingers? |
Paleozoic for one |
Period alternative |
Portion of history |
Prohibition ender? |
Randy Johnson stat |
Remembered stretch |
Roman or Christian |
Section of history |
Span of attention? |
Stat for Verlander |
The "E" in "B.C.E. |
The Big Band, e.g. |
The Jurassic, e.g. |
Time-line division |
Victorian for one |
What NOW wants now |
Chronological span |
Chronology section |
Former NOW concern |
Mauve Decade, e.g. |
Nostalgia elicitor |
Noteworthy stretch |
Roaring '20s, e.g. |
Stat for Cliff Lee |
Stat for relievers |
The Cenozoic, e.g. |
Christian or Roman |
History book topic |
Horse and buggy __ |
Musical generation |
Period with a name |
Stat for a starter |
Time scale section |
Time of importance |
Period to remember |
Chronology segment |
Historic time span |
Children's doctor? |
Segment of history |
Historical segment |
Big Band," for one |
Historical stretch |
Unforgettable time |
Stat for a pitcher |
Significant period |
Chapter in history |
Chapter of history |
Time of one's life? |
Geological division |
'70s-feminist cause |
___ of Good Feeling |
70's and 80's cause |
A coup could end it |
A shutout lowers it |
Alternative to Gain |
Archeozoic, for one |
Bush ___ (the '00s) |
Caesarean or Actian |
Christian or Vulgar |
Cy Young's was 2.63 |
Dallas Keuchel stat |
Former polit. cause |
Geologic time frame |
Good bit of history |
Great time in music |
Identifiable period |
It contains periods |
It may end in -zoic |
It was a great time |
Long-time NOW cause |
Lost cause for NOW? |
Napoleonic, for one |
Neoarchean, for one |
NOW objective, once |
Piece of a timeline |
Proposal of 3/22/72 |
Slice of a timeline |
Stat for a southpaw |
Stat for Doc Medich |
Stat for Jake Peavy |
Stat for Jon Lester |
Stat for Nolan Ryan |
Thatcher ___ ('80s) |
The Prohibition ___ |
Time period of note |
Time worth studying |
Tin Pan Alley, e.g. |
Victorian or Vulgar |
Word with "Big Band |
A cause for Steinem |
Bygone polit. cause |
Common or Christian |
Good Feelings time? |
Historical division |
Musical time period |
Paleontology period |
Pedro Martinez stat |
Reagan or Christian |
Stat for Chris Sale |
The modern, for one |
The Wild West, e.g. |
Two or more periods |
An objective of NOW |
Distinctive stretch |
Memorable time span |
Pretty big stretch? |
Stat for Saberhagen |
Historical interval |
A time to remember? |
History class topic |
Important time span |
Timeline indication |
Division of history |
Stretch to remember |
Depression, for one |
Stat for a reliever |
It may have periods |
Cy Young Award stat |
Notable time period |
Significant stretch |
Historian's concern |
Long stretch of time |
Chronological period |
Phanerozoic, for one |
Geological time span |
Geologic time period |
Pitching data: Abbr. |
Abbr. on Topps cards |
An ace has a low one |
Big slice of history |
Big real estate firm |
Chronology component |
Consequential period |
Diamond hurling stat |
Discrete time period |
Eventful time period |
Historical time span |
Historical time unit |
History book subject |
History class period |
Industrial Age, e.g. |
Influential interval |
Islamic or Christian |
It goes up with a HR |
Letters for equality |
Oft-nicknamed period |
Pitchers want it low |
Renaissance, for one |
Roman or Greek, e.g. |
Spring training stat |
Stat for Jack Morris |
Stat for R.A. Dickey |
Stat for Stottlemyre |
Stat in sabermetrics |
Swing or disco time? |
The Depression, e.g. |
The sixties, for one |
Time students study? |
Unratified amendment |
''Flapper'' follower |
Initials in the news |
Mesozoic or Cenozoic |
Notable time stretch |
Reagan ___ (1981-89) |
Reconstruction, e.g. |
Stat for Cole Hamels |
Historic time piece? |
Stat for CC Sabathia |
History-book chapter |
Cenozoic or Mesozoic |
Elizabethan, for one |
Historic time period |
Prohibition, for one |
It's full of periods |
Stage of development |
Gay Nineties, for one |
___ of Good Feelings. |
The dawn of a new ___ |
A fixed point in time |
Ace's number, briefly |
Big Band for example |
Big Band or Victorian |
Big name in detergent |
Big name in brokering |
Caesarean or Augustan |
Cenozoic or Paleozoic |
Chronological stretch |
Concern for Hershiser |
Costumier's evocation |
Defunct band's heyday |
Detergent aisle brand |
Distinctive time span |
Failed 27th Amendment |
Historian's specialty |
Historical time frame |
History class subject |
History class section |
Horse-and-buggy, e.g. |
Iffy Const. amendment |
Little bit of history |
Mundane or Macedonian |
Neolithic or mesozoic |
New ___ (cap company) |
Noah Syndergaard stat |
Notable chunk of time |
Notable time division |
NOW'S political cause |
Period on a time line |
Pitching-stat listing |
Political time period |
Roaring Twenties, say |
Short part of history |
Stat for Corey Kluber |
Stat for Jered Weaver |
Stat for Max Scherzer |
Stat for Mike Mussina |
Stat for Tim Lincecum |
Stat for Zack Greinke |
Stat on a sports page |
Stat. for Greg Maddux |
The '80s, for example |
The Gay '90s, for one |
The Obama years, e.g. |
The time of jazz, e.g |
The Wild West was one |
Time of "Good Feeling |
Tom Seaver's was 2.86 |
Unit in history class |
A good start drops it |
Baseball's Steroid __ |
Cy Young Award factor |
Fantasy baseball stat |
Historic span of time |
Important time period |
Mesozoic or Paleozoic |
Monarch's reign, e.g. |
One cause for Steinem |
Paleozoic or Cenozoic |
Stat for Jacob deGrom |
Stat for Jake Arrieta |
Swing ___ (1920s-30s) |
The Renaissance, e.g. |
Period for historians |
Period of distinction |
Unit of geologic time |
Momentous time period |
Paleozoic or Mesozoic |
Century 21 competitor |
Pitcher's stat: Abbr. |
Victorian or Big Band |
Memorable time period |
Procter & Gamble brand |
Historic time in music |
Historical time period |
Geological time period |
The Gay Nineties, e.g. |
Roaring Twenties, e.g. |
Geologic time division |
Antiochian or Augustan |
Another kind of period |
Arm measurement: Abbr. |
Baseball pitching stat |
Bush ___ (early 2000s) |
Cenozoic or Archeozoic |
Cold War, historically |
Controversial initials |
Depression or Gaslight |
Distinguishable period |
Dot-com ___ (late 90s) |
Failed Const. addition |
Important span of time |
It may contain periods |
One under 4.00 is good |
Paleozoic or Victorian |
Paleozoic, for example |
Pedro Martinez's pride |
Proposed Const. add-on |
Rights proposal: Abbr. |
Romantic, to musicians |
Slice of time in music |
Slice of movie history |
Span of a ruler, maybe |
Stat for Johan Santana |
Stat for Randy Johnson |
Stat for Roger Clemens |
Stat for Shohei Ohtani |
Swing or jazz follower |
The __ of Good Feeling |
The Clinton years, say |
The Roaring '20s, e.g. |
The Swing, for example |
Christian or Caesarean |
Christian or Victorian |
Eisenhower years, e.g. |
Historic block of time |
History class division |
It didn't get ratified |
It's a ballpark figure |
Century 21 alternative |
Long period of history |
Noteworthy time period |
Pitching record: Abbr. |
Victoria's reign, e.g. |
Victorian or Edwardian |
Good Feelings, for one |
Chronological division |
Notable period of time |
Unique stretch in time |
Time worth remembering |
Laundry detergent brand |
Clayton Kershaw's pride |
Gain or Tide competitor |
Big name in real estate |
Onetime Alan Alda cause |
Babylonian or Caesarean |
Big Band or Prohibition |
Brand at the laundromat |
Clinton ___ (1993-2001) |
Cold War, periodically? |
Disco or swing follower |
Failed const. amendment |
Geologic period of time |
Historic period of note |
Historic period of time |
History book discussion |
Influential time period |
Notable period of music |
Noted historical period |
Pitcher's preoccupation |
Presidential term, e.g. |
Prominent span of years |
Proposal for the Const. |
Reagan or Clinton, e.g. |
Roosevelt or Eisenhower |
Stat for Pedro Martinez |
Stat. for Steve Carlton |
The Depression, for one |
Time period of interest |
Tom Seaver's 2.86, e.g. |
Victorian, historically |
Big Band or Elizabethan |
Controversial amendment |
Important time in music |
It was supported by NOW |
Notable stretch of time |
Pitcher's record: Abbr. |
Stat for Mariano Rivera |
Swing or Mesozoic, e.g. |
The Clinton years, e.g. |
Elizabethan or Gaslight |
Memorable time in music |
Proposed 27th Amendment |
Amendment backed by NOW |
Distinctive time period |
A little bit of history |
Notable time in history |
Special time in history |
Reconstruction, for one |
Victorian or Napoleonic |
Significant time period |
Very long period of time |
The --- of Good Feelings |
Avg. used in Sabermetric |
Baseball's live-ball ___ |
Brand in a red container |
Bullpen statistic: Abbr. |
Caesarean or Alexandrian |
Clinton or Bush follower |
Evolutionary time period |
Fantasy baseball concern |
Golden or disco follower |
Historical time division |
Historical time in music |
Important reign, perhaps |
Ill-fated 27th Amendment |
It may be low for an ace |
It's low for aces: Abbr. |
Juan Marichal's was 2.89 |
Low stat for Frank Viola |
Monarch's reign, perhaps |
One long time period ... |
Part of the history book |
Period in a history book |
Period studied in school |
Presidential term, often |
Progressive or Paleozoic |
Prohibition, for example |
Shutouts make it go down |
Stat for Adam Wainwright |
Stat for Aroldis Chapman |
Stat for pitchers: Abbr. |
Stat. for Roger McDowell |
Stretch in history books |
The Baroque or Classical |
The Summer of Love, e.g. |
The time of doo-wop, e.g |
When it's low, it's good |
Word with swing or disco |
Big name in home selling |
Chapter in music history |
Depression-___ glassware |
History chapter, perhaps |
Memorable period of time |
Specific span of history |
Swing or classical, e.g. |
Swing or Victorian, e.g. |
Victorian or Elizabethan |
Big Band or Disco period |
Stat for Clayton Kershaw |
Baseball's dead-ball ___ |
'70s-'80s political cause |
''The Big Band,'' for one |
Disco" time, historically |
A pitcher likes a low one |
Active Stainfighter brand |
Alternative to Century 21 |
American Depression, e.g. |
Archeozoic or Proterozoic |
Baseball-scoring initials |
Big Band ___ (1930s-'40s) |
Carlton's important stat. |
Cause that NOW championed |
Chapter in a history book |
Detergent in a red bottle |
Distinctive slice of time |
Fantasy baseball category |
Feminists' concern: Abbr. |
Geologist's time division |
Important span of history |
Its end is often observed |
Low no. for Roger Clemens |
Meaningful period of time |
Notable period in history |
NOW political cause, once |
NOW's legislation concern |
Pitcher's concern (abbr.) |
Pitching guideline: Abbr. |
Popular laundry detergent |
Presidency years, perhaps |
Proposal defeated in 1982 |
Proposed amendment: Abbr. |
Proposed Const. amendment |
Soviet or Weimar follower |
Stat for Gooden or Maddux |
Stat for Justin Verlander |
Stat lowered by a shutout |
Stat next to WHIP and K's |
Time of one's life, maybe |
Ultra __: detergent brand |
Brand in the laundry room |
Important historic period |
Important part of history |
Lengthy historical period |
Momentous time in history |
Muslim or Christian, e.g. |
Pitcher's stat, for short |
Special period of history |
Stat for a pitcher: Abbr. |
Subject in a history book |
The Roosevelt years, e.g. |
Victorian ___ (1837-1901) |
Baseball statistic: Abbr. |
Important historical time |
Important period of years |
One for the history books |
Historical period of time |
Pitching statistic: Abbr. |
Prohibition ___ (1920-33) |
Notable period of history |
Elizabethan or Victorian. |
Important time in history |
Memorable time in history |
Hidden theme of the puzzle |
Brand of laundry detergent |
Procter & Gamble detergent |
The Roaring Twenties, e.g. |
''It's the end of an __!'' |
Common" chapter of history |
Good Feelings" time period |
A balk might make it go up |
Common, Roman or Christian |
Competitor of Tide and All |
Disco ___ (1970s, roughly) |
Distinct period of history |
Historical stretch of time |
King's reign, for instance |
Lengthy chapter in history |
Low fig. for Randy Johnson |
No. important to a pitcher |
Period named after someone |
Period named for something |
Pitcher's statistic: Abbr. |
Pitching staff stat: Abbr. |
Pitching statistics: Abbr. |
Proposal before the states |
Setting for a period piece |
Span named for a president |
Stat for Jonathan Papelbon |
Stat for Madison Bumgarner |
Stat for Seaver or Santana |
Stat that may be "adjusted |
Stat where lower is better |
Stat. that's good when low |
The Eisenhower years, e.g. |
The Great Depression, e.g. |
Throwing number, for short |
Time for a history lesson? |
Triple Crown consideration |
Ballpark figure, for short |
Coldwell Banker competitor |
Detergent with Oxi Booster |
Newsworthy time in history |
Notable period of the past |
Stat for Stephen Strasburg |
Titled years, collectively |
Noteworthy time in history |
Significant period of time |
Time for the history books |
It's the dawn of a new ___ |
Big Band or Christian, e.g. |
Corey Kluber's 2.25 in 2017 |
Distinctive span of history |
Distinctive stretch of time |
Feminist's cause, for short |
Follower of Bush or Clinton |
Historical timeline section |
Hoped-for low number: Abbr. |
Important period of history |
It goes down with a shutout |
It's low for great pitchers |
Measurement of arm strength |
Pitchers try to keep it low |
Romantic or Victorian, e.g. |
Shelfmate of Cheer and Tide |
Shelfmate of Tide and Cheer |
Significant historical span |
Stat for baseball's "MadBum |
Stat of interest to Catfish |
Stat on some baseball cards |
The time of soul music, e.g |
Victorian, in history books |
Word after disco or steroid |
Years of note, collectively |
A good one in the NL is low |
Distinctive time in history |
Important period in history |
Significant time in history |
Cenozoic or Paleozoic, e.g. |
Competitor of Tide and Gain |
Memorable period of history |
Significant stretch of time |
Stat that concerns pitchers |
Feminist pitcher's concern? |
Historical time to remember |
Important historical period |
___ of Good Feeling: 1817-24 |
1970's-80's cause, for short |
A low one is best, for short |
A pitcher should keep it low |
An ace usually has a low one |
An ace pitcher has a low one |
Common or Christian follower |
Cy Young Award consideration |
Cy Young Award winner's stat |
Detergent in a red container |
Important chapter in history |
Important stretch of history |
Important time, historically |
It's amazing if it's under 2 |
Legislation backed by N.O.W. |
Major historical time period |
Noteworthy historical period |
Presidential period, perhaps |
Reagan has one named for him |
Sister company of Century 21 |
Stat for Warren Spahn: Abbr. |
The horse-and-buggy, for one |
Time named for a music genre |
Time, in this puzzle's theme |
Unratified proposal, briefly |
Unsuccessful '70s-'80s cause |
Word after Cold War or disco |
Word after Reagan or Clinton |
Word with disco or dead-ball |
A quality start can lower it |
Alternative to Tide or Cheer |
Period in a historian's book |
Particular period of history |
Newsworthy period of history |
Noteworthy period of history |
Victorian or Edwardian, e.g. |
A simpler one may be recalled |
Chronology component, perhaps |
Cy Young's was 2.63, in brief |
Failed 70's-80's polit. cause |
Feminist's concern, for short |
Ford had the best one in 1958 |
Group of memorable yesterdays |
Historic time period in music |
Legis. proposed by Alice Paul |
Levenson's "In One ___ . . . |
Mean pitchers try to keep low |
Middle reliever's stat: Abbr. |
Monroe's "___ of Good Feeling |
Proposed change to the Const. |
Significant historical period |
Significant period of history |
Sports meas. of effectiveness |
Stat for a Cy Young candidate |
Stat for Halladay or Sabathia |
Stat that's better when lower |
The Roaring Twenties, for one |
Time evoked by a period piece |
Time period in a history book |
Word after Big Band or Reagan |
A strike-out makes it go down |
Distinctive period of history |
History-book chapter, perhaps |
It should be low on a diamond |
Memorable time for historians |
Proposed amendment, for short |
Victoria's reign, for example |
___ of Good Feelings, 1817-25 |
Bob Gibson's was 1.12 in 1968 |
An earlier one may be recalled |
Controversial issue's initials |
Cy Young Award voter's concern |
Disco ___ (the 1970s, roughly) |
Factor in MLB's Cy Young Award |
Follower of Johnson or Kennedy |
Follower of Kennedy or Clinton |
Giving up a homer increases it |
Historian's specialty, perhaps |
Important pitching stat: Abbr. |
In baseball, a good one is low |
Internet ___ (what we live in) |
Laundry detergent in a red jug |
Lower-the-better baseball stat |
One of ten in geologic history |
Period of literary style, e.g. |
Procter & Gamble laundry brand |
Rival of Gain, Tide, and Cheer |
Significant time, historically |
Stat for a starter or reliever |
Stat for which lower is better |
The Depression or the Cold War |
The George W. Bush years, e.g. |
The time of your life is yours |
Time period split into periods |
Time studied in a history book |
Reagan ___ (most of the 1980s) |
Stat that is better when lower |
Stat that's good when it's low |
Statistic for a pitcher: Abbr. |
Baseball pitcher's stat: Abbr. |
Period named for a music genre |
A perfect game makes it go down |
All and Tide rival in a red jug |
Cold War ___ (post-WWII period) |
Goal for many feminists (abbr.) |
History class syllabus division |
It may consist of three periods |
Long presidential term, perhaps |
Low no. for an All-Star starter |
Period often named for a leader |
Procter & Gamble cleaning brand |
Reconstruction ___ (18651877) |
Revolution Renaissance "New ___ |
Stat that's amazing in the twos |
Subj. of baseball rule 10.22(b) |
Term applied to musical heydays |
The Reagan or the Clinton, e.g. |
Tide and All rival in a red jug |
Open ___ (modern tennis period) |
The Cenozoic is the current one |
Acronym for a pitching statistic |
Big factor in the Cy Young Award |
Chapter in a geology text, maybe |
Disco ___ (the 1970s, musically) |
Fanning someone makes it go down |
Gay Nineties or Roaring Twenties |
Good fig. for Maddux or Martinez |
History book discussion, perhaps |
Matt Harvey's this year was 2.71 |
Nolan Ryan's 1.69 in 1981: Abbr. |
Silent ___ (time before talkies) |
Stat lower in the NL than the AL |
Stat that's better if it's lower |
Stat that's good when under 3.00 |
Steinem or Seaver concern: Abbr. |
Time period such as the Mesozoic |
Time suggested by a period piece |
What a shutout lowers, for short |
1970s political cause, for short |
Span often named for a president |
Sports stat that's best when low |
One may be named for a president |
Presidential term, to historians |
Procter & Gamble detergent brand |
Onetime feminist cause, for short |
___ Yes!" (old political placard) |
2.60 for Noah Syndergaard in 2016 |
A no. that's good when under 3.00 |
Cause supported by Maureen Reagan |
Closer's stat, in baseball: Abbr. |
Feminist cause opposed by the LDS |
Hurler's stat, in baseball: Abbr. |
Lengthy time period, historically |
New __: MLB baseball cap supplier |
Open __: tennis period since 1968 |
Park-adjusted ___ (baseball stat) |
Period of historical significance |
Roaring Twenties or Clinton years |
Stat for baseball pitchers: Abbr. |
Supermarket brand "for tough moms |
Time span defined by a presidency |
Relief pitcher's statistic: Abbr. |
Word after many presidents' names |
Major division of geological time |
Unforgettable time for historians |
A good one is under 3.00, in brief |
Baseball pitching statistic: Abbr. |
Brewer's figure that's ideally low |
Concern of an A.L. or N.L. pitcher |
Important stat to a pitching coach |
Laundry detergent with Oxi Booster |
Open ___ (modern period of tennis) |
Pitcher's stat, in baseball: Abbr. |
Pitching stat with a decimal point |
Significant section of a time line |
Stat for a baseball pitcher: Abbr. |
Stat that's better when it's lower |
The time of hair metal music, e.g. |
What a royal reign is often called |
Word after many a president's name |
Word with "Big Band" or "Christian |
___ of Good Feeling (Monroe years) |
Competitor of Cheer, All, and Tide |
Procter & Gamble laundry detergent |
Stat considered in Cy Young voting |
Significant time span, historically |
___ Yes!" (1970s political placard) |
A good one is under 3.00, for short |
A scoreless inning makes it go down |
Dead-ball __: early baseball period |
Good thing to keep low on a diamond |
Important stat for a pitcher: Abbr. |
Part of a history lesson, sometimes |
Period named for a monarch, perhaps |
Post-Civil War Reconstruction, e.g. |
Proposal still not ratified in 1982 |
Proposed amendment for women: Abbr. |
Reagan ___ (the 1980s, essentially) |
Word after progressive or dead-ball |
___ of Good Feelings (Monroe years) |
Stretch named for a leader, perhaps |
Category in pitching's Triple Crown |
Baseball pitcher's statistic: Abbr. |
A pitcher wants a low one, for short |
Baroque ___ (1600-1750 music period) |
Consideration for a costume designer |
Cy Young Award consideration (abbr.) |
Excellent stat for a Cy Young winner |
Important stat in Cy Young balloting |
Long and important historical period |
Silent ___ (time before the talkies) |
Stat for pitcher Sandy Koufax: Abbr. |
Colonial ___ (early American period) |
The Thatcher years, e.g., in Britain |
Word with ''Big Band'' or ''Reagan'' |
Age marked by a distinctive character |
Disco ___ (music period of the 1970s) |
Failed Constitutional measure (Abbr.) |
Historian's favorite detergent brand? |
Mesozoic ___ (long period of history) |
No. that should be as low as possible |
Period that includes memorable events |
Stat for Babe Ruth, but only early on |
Statistic for a relief pitcher: Abbr. |
Supermarket shelfmate of Tide and All |
The Golden Age of Television, for one |
The ___ of Wonderful Nonsense": Pegler |
A pitching ace has a low one, in brief |
Baseball stat that corrects for errors |
Baseball statistic for pitchers: Abbr. |
Closer's statistic, in baseball: Abbr. |
Mesozoic ___ (long stretch of history) |
Open ___ (period of tennis since 1968) |
Period marked by distinctive character |
Period sometimes named for a president |
Period sometimes named for a statesman |
Proposal supported by Martha Griffiths |
Queens of the Stone Age: "___ Vulgaris |
Shot clock ___ (NBA period since 1954) |
Stat that is generally lower in the NL |
Statistic for baseball pitchers: Abbr. |
Time period of historical significance |
Many a presidential term, historically |
Regulate...G Funk ___" (Warren G album) |
A low one is good in baseball, in brief |
Cy Young Award consideration, for short |
It's good to have a low one on the hill |
Laundry detergent brand in a red bottle |
Stat a pitcher likes to keep low: Abbr. |
Stat that figures in the Cy Young Award |
The time of psychedelic rock music, e.g |
The time of rhythm and blues music, e.g |
Word that may follow a president's name |
A one-two-three inning makes it go down |
Baseball stat that is better when lower |
Statistic for a baseball pitcher: Abbr. |
Important statistic for a pitcher: Abbr. |
Laundry-aisle competitor of Tide and All |
Paleozoic ___ (time in the distant past) |
Period sometimes named after a president |
Period that may be named for a president |
President Monroe's ____ of Good Feelings |
Reliever's statistic, in baseball: Abbr. |
Source of bullpen bragging rights: Abbr. |
Swing ___ (time period in music history) |
Time used by many crossword constructors |
Victorian ___ (period from 1837 to 1901) |
Vietnam or postwar America, historically |
A pitcher should have a low one, in brief |
Christy Mathewson's was exactly 2 in 1907 |
Dead-ball ___ (1900-1919 during baseball) |
Laundry detergent brand sold in a red jug |
Open ___ (1968 to the present, in tennis) |
Open ___ (tennis period from 1968 to now) |
Stat with a "defense-independent" version |
Swing ___ (jazzy period in music history) |
The Big Band ___ (1920s-1940s, musically) |
Victorian ___ (British historical period) |
Usher in a whole new ___ (change history) |
Victorian ___ (period in English history) |
Victorian ___ (period of English history) |
Historical period such as the Gay Nineties |
Historically low number for Mariano Rivera |
Stat that's given to the hundredth's place |
Mesozoic ___ (252 to 66 million years ago) |
___ Real Estate (Century 21 sister company) |
Detergent featuring 3x stain-fighting power |
Detergent with a "Fistful of Fresh" variety |
Period associated with a president, perhaps |
Retiring the side in order makes it go down |
Big Band ___ (when swing music was popular) |
Elizabethan ___ (period of English history) |
Potential amendment championed by NOW: Abbr. |
Stat that a pitcher prefers to be low: Abbr. |
Steroid ___ (1990s-early 2000s, in baseball) |
Subject of the "three-state strategy": Abbr. |
Term for a presidential period, historically |
The formula for it has IP in the denominator |
The Steroid ___ (period of baseball history) |
Time span for a team when an athlete thrives |
A retirement party might toast the end of one |
Detergent whose name is also a period of time |
Memorable period such as the Roaring Twenties |
Prehistoric ___ (time when dinosaurs thrived) |
A great leader's death may mark the end of one |
Baseball stat that gets better when it shrinks |
Historical period, such as a presidential term |
Measure opposed by Phyllis Schlafly, for short |
Stat for a pitcher that's better low than high |
Steroid ___ (controversial period in baseball) |
Steroid or deadball follower, in baseball lore |
Cenozoic ___ (geological time in which we live) |
Colonial ___ (period of early American history) |
Elizabethan ___ (1558-1603, in British history) |
Never-ratified women-related measure, for short |
One-third of pitching's Triple Crown, for short |
Setting down the side in order makes it go down |
Stat considered in Cy Young Award voting: Abbr. |
Statistic that a pitcher wants to be low: Abbr. |
The Big Band ___ (when swing music was popular) |
Procter & Gamble detergent brand in a red bottle |
The Roaring Twenties or Elizabethan times: Abbr. |
Ziggy Stardust or the Thin White Duke, for Bowie |
The ___ of big government is over" (Bill Clinton) |
Big band ___ (swing dancin' period in jazz music) |
Big Band ___ (jazzy period in 20th-century music) |
Procter & Gamble's first liquid laundry detergent |
Prohibition ___ (period when alcohol was illegal) |
D.C. human rights act not yet ratified by Congress |
Mesozoic ___ (time that was millions of years ago) |
Period found in this puzzle's four longest entries |
Pitching stat that's better the lower it is: Abbr. |
Prohibition ___ (period of time from 1920 to 1933) |
Reconstruction ___ (1865-1877, in American history) |
Stat that a baseball pitcher wants to be low: Abbr. |
Stat that measures a pitcher's effectiveness: Abbr. |
Statistic created by baseball writer Henry Chadwick |
Steroid ___ (scandalous period of baseball history) |
The Elizabethan ___ (1558-1603, in English history) |
Steroid ___ (scandalous period in baseball history) |
Baseball stat originally called "Heydler's statistic |
Big Band ___ (period when Benny Goodman was popular) |
It would, at last, make the Constitution discuss sex |
Mariano Rivera stat that is 0.71 for the post-season |
Prop. originally called the "Lucretia Mott Amendment |
Steroid ___ (controversial time in baseball history) |
Baseball statistic a pitcher wants to keep low: Abbr. |
Colonial ___ (American period in the 1600s and 1700s) |
New ___ (official cap maker of Major League Baseball) |
Clinton ___ (period between the two Bush presidencies) |
Notable time period, such as the Victorian or Romantic |
Potential amendment that was sought by feminists: Abbr. |
Special historical period, such as Romantic or Colonial |
Strikeouts make this baseball statistic go lower: Abbr. |
___ of Good Feelings (unity-inspired time in US history) |
Proposed Constitutional addition concerning women: Abbr. |
Constitutional proposal first introduced in Cong. in 1923 |
Proposal opposed by Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum: Abbr. |
Rock ___ (music period from the mid-1950s to the present) |
Brand of detergent that claims to have "Active Stainfighter |
Madison Bumgarner's was really low in the 2014 World Series |
Madison Bumgarner's was 0.43 in the 2014 World Series: Abbr. |
Elizabethan ___ (period of English history from 1558 to 1603) |
Steroid ___ (period when many baseball players were "juiced") |
Baseball statistic that was 2.63 over Cy Young's career: Abbr. |
Pitching stat way less important than xFIP, to a Sabermetrician |
Statistic that's usually low for a Cy Young Award winner: Abbr. |
Yardstick for someone who works about 20 yards from home: Abbr. |
Wow, that was a really good ___!" (comment at the end of an era) |
Fossil Fuel ___ (period of time hopefully drawing to a close soon) |
Legis. introduced into every session of Congress from 1923 to 1970 |
Potential Constitutional addition involving gender fairness: Abbr. |
Longtime potential Constitutional addition involving women's lib: Abbr. |
Proposed legislation whose current lead sponsor in the Sen. is Ted Kennedy |
Victorian ___ (period when Queen Victoria reigned over Britain, 1837-1901) |
Statistic sometimes considered when selecting the Cy Young Award winner: Abbr. |
Legislation recently re-introduced by Edward Kennedy and Carolyn Maloney: Abbr. |
The Crossword ___ (future period of time where everyone is obsessed with crosswords) (just wait for it) |