Yipes |
I say! |
Zooks! |
Oh, no! |
Crikey! |
Oh dear |
'Drat!' |
By gar! |
Yoicks! |
Jiminy! |
By Jove! |
Jeepers! |
My word! |
Old oath |
I never! |
Holy cow! |
Mercy me! |
'Zounds!' |
Mild oath |
My stars! |
Goodness! |
Old oaths |
Holy moly! |
''Yikes!'' |
'Criminy!' |
Tarnation! |
Mild oaths |
Bejabbers! |
Gloriosky! |
Drats' kin |
Quaint cry |
Good grief! |
'Gadzooks!' |
My heavens! |
Oh my gosh! |
Oath of old |
Quaint oath |
Good gravy! |
Oh, bother! |
Bygone oath |
My goodness! |
Holy smokes! |
Holy Toledo! |
''Omigosh!'' |
Great Scott! |
Mild epithet |
Old-time oath |
Good heavens! |
Hoople whoops |
Old-time yelp |
Oh my heavens! |
OMG!" ancestor |
Old-time oaths |
Mild expletives |
OMG!," quaintly |
Yumpin' yiminy! |
Cry from Jeeves |
Dramatic oaths. |
Old-school yell |
Old-school oath |
Oh, my goodness! |
(Mild) expletive |
OMG!," old-style |
Gosh," years ago |
Jiminy crickets! |
Rats!" old-style |
More than "Gosh! |
Quaint expletive |
Heavens to Betsy! |
Old-school lament |
Zounds!" relative |
Golly's relatives |
Good grief!: var. |
Mock-dramatic cry |
Old exclamations. |
Old-timey "Yikes! |
Out-of-date shout |
Mild oath of yore |
Goodness gracious! |
Old-fashioned oath |
Edwardian outburst |
Quaint exclamation |
Mild oaths of yore |
Old-school outburst |
Word of mock horror |
Heavens!", quaintly |
Astonished outburst |
Great balls of fire! |
Cry of consternation |
Major Hoople's cries |
Great Caesar's ghost! |
Old-time exclamation. |
Relatives of "Zounds! |
Mild expletive of old |
Heavens to Murgatroyd! |
Old-fashioned outburst |
Antiquated exclamation |
Major Hoople's "whoops |
Oaths Degas never used |
Outdated interjections |
Mild oath from the past |
Fetch my smelling salts! |
Major Hoople's expletives |
Affected-sounding outburst |
Bygone equivalent of "OMG! |
Exclamation akin to "crikey |
Mock cry while getting the vapors |
Quaint reply to some shocking news |
___ button, missile-destroying switch |
Old English interjection meaning "Oh, God! |
___ button (malfunctioning missile destroyer) |