Emends |
Revises |
Censors |
Rewords |
Redacts |
Corrects |
Rewrites |
Copyreads |
Cuts, say |
Rephrases |
Revisions |
Spruces up |
Cuts, e.g. |
Film snips |
Tends text |
Trims, say |
Proof jobs |
Works copy |
Fixes text |
Works over |
Fixes copy |
Touches up |
Fixes typos |
Corrections |
Cuts a film |
Paper cuts? |
Prunes, say |
Text tweaks |
Tidies text |
Red-pencils |
Checks copy |
Tends texts |
Alters Time? |
Copy changes |
Film splices |
Revises copy |
Revises text |
Trims to fit |
Film changes |
Improvements |
Text changes |
Changes text |
Blue-pencils. |
Fixes up text |
Magazine jobs |
Makes emends? |
Minces words? |
Modifies copy |
Polishes text |
Tightens text |
Time changes? |
Cuts, perhaps |
Fixes a draft |
Prepares copy |
Works on copy |
Corrects text |
Corrects copy |
Improves prose |
Cleans up copy |
Does news work |
Revises a text |
Trims, as text |
Works on books |
Works on words |
Cuts recording |
Does desk work |
Rewords (text) |
Works on Time? |
Cleans up text |
Does book work |
Polishes prose |
Makes the cut? |
Cleans up prose |
Does paper work |
Fixes, as typso |
Marks up, maybe |
Polishes a text |
Preps for print |
Prunes, perhaps |
Shortens, maybe |
Spruces up text |
Switches around |
Trims down, say |
Works on a book |
Works on drafts |
Cuts, as a film |
Rewrites, maybe |
Does a desk job |
Cuts and pastes |
Does a salon job |
Checks for slips |
Cuts a line, say |
Does copyreading |
Publishing tasks |
Works on a draft |
Works on stories |
Works with words |
Checks for typos |
Cuts and splices |
Prunes, in a way |
Revises, as copy |
Text corrections |
Emulates Greeley |
Revises, as text |
___ out (deletes) |
Changes, in a way |
Doctors documents |
Fixes Games, say? |
Goes over galleys |
Improves, as text |
Manscript changes |
Polishes, as copy |
Revamps, in a way |
Tampers with text |
Works on galleys. |
Tinkers with text |
Trims to fit, say |
Clarifies, as copy |
Does literary work |
Essay incarnations |
Fixes a manuscript |
Fixes up, as prose |
Prepares for print |
Rids of typos, say |
Tosses out a line? |
Works on the books |
Applies polish to? |
Uses a blue pencil |
Polishes, as prose |
Shortens, in a way |
Prepares for press |
Manuscript changes |
Changes in the text |
Changes one's story |
Cleans up recording |
Does newspaper work |
Drops a line, maybe |
Emulates Tina Brown |
Makes more readable |
Manuscript markings |
Polishes an article |
Puts mss. in order. |
Revises or rewrites |
Revises, as reviews |
Trims text, perhaps |
Tweaks a manuscript |
Fixes a column, say |
Prepares to publish |
Readies for release |
Textual alterations |
Touches up, as text |
Cleans up, in a way |
Adds or deletes text |
Does publishing work |
Does some piece work |
Fixes fragments, say |
Gets People in shape |
Improves manuscripts |
Improves, as a proof |
Inc. restructurings? |
Plays the diaskeuast |
Prepares (newspaper) |
Puts in a good word? |
Revises a manuscript |
Strikes out, perhaps |
Touches up, as prose |
Trims for a deadline |
Uses the blue pencil |
Cuts and pastes, say |
Makes corrections to |
Reviews and corrects |
Takes out of context? |
Adds and/or subtracts |
Clarifies in writing? |
Cleans up, as writing |
Cross-outs and others |
Cuttings and pastings |
Gets to work on "Time |
Makes People popular? |
Polishes a manuscript |
Proofer's suggestions |
Tightens a manuscript |
Tightens a piece, say |
Trims to fit, perhaps |
Uses a blue pencil on |
Corrects a manuscript |
Makes changes to text |
Prepares for printing |
Makes better, in a way |
Autocorrect makes them |
Deals with drafts, say |
Drops (or adds) a line |
Minds some p's and q's |
Polishes in publishing |
Works on a first draft |
Works with Word, maybe |
Emulates Robert Giroux |
Polishes for the press |
Changes a Life sentence |
Does some magazine work |
Revises crossword clues |
Works on authors' works |
Works with columns, say |
Does film splicing, say |
Revises for publication |
Readies for publication |
Deletes, with "out |
Changes words in a story |
Changes, as a manuscript |
Changes, as puzzle clues |
Checks and corrects text |
Cleans up, in a newsroom |
Directs the policies of. |
Does some copy-righting? |
Makes changes to a story |
Manuscript modifications |
Polishes before printing |
What a first draft lacks |
Refines, as a manuscript |
Polishes for publication |
Prepares for publication |
Emulates Maxwell Perkins |
Exchanges words, at times |
Emulates William A. White |
Improves, as a manuscript |
Polishes, as a manuscript |
Reviews and corrects text |
Touches up, as an article |
Trims, cuts, pastes, etc. |
Works for People, perhaps |
Works on the second draft |
Makes a long story short? |
Works in the cutting room |
Bends and shapes recording |
Changes the subject, maybe |
Helps People get in shape? |
Shortens a sentence, maybe |
Strikes text from, perhaps |
Throws out a line, perhaps |
Changes some clues, perhaps |
Takes some movie scenes out |
Touches up, as a manuscript |
Additions and deletions, say |
Alters a Wikipedia page, say |
Changes made to a manuscript |
Makes more readable, perhaps |
Shortens a sentence, perhaps |
Changes comodity to commodity |
Reduces the word count of, say |
Uses a Moviola, in film-making |
Emulates Charles Dudley Warner |
Adds or deletes text, for example |
Does some post-shooting film work |
Makes modifications to an article |
Uses a blue pencil, traditionally |
Spell-checks the text, for example |
Things thsi cluee needs sevaral of |
Changes comodity to commodity, e.g. |
Stops from having a period, perhaps? |
Additions and subtractions, of a sort |
Tightens up a newspaper article, perhaps |
What Microsoft Word's Track Changes shows |