??? |
Bolts |
Races |
Sprints |
Runs off |
Scurries |
Zips away |
Short races |
Dots' mates |
Morse units |
Bits of salt |
Track events |
Morse symbols |
Hurries (off) |
Olympic events |
Scurries (off) |
100-yard races |
Morse code bits |
Short footraces |
Leaves in a rush |
Some human races |
Causes for pauses |
Pair in a Morse M |
Morse-code elements |
They're sometimes mad |
Marathons they're not |
Some telegraphy signals |
Marks that are lines [S] |
Popular punctuation marks. |
Tom, to Samuel F. B. Morse |
Five of them represent a zero |
Counterparts of dots, in Morse code |