Saudi |
Oil source |
Sheik land |
Oman locale |
Asir's land |
Saudi place |
Qatar locale |
Horse source |
Mecca's land |
Mideast area |
Mecca's place |
Where Nejd is |
Sinai setting |
Mecca setting |
Coffee source |
Oil-rich land |
Aladdin's home |
Qatar's locale |
Sheba's locale |
Sindbad locale |
Kuwait setting |
Where Mecca is |
Egypt neighbor |
Mideast region |
Saudi follower? |
Jiddah's leaned |
Mecca's setting |
Sandy peninsula |
Oil-rich region |
Lawrence's land |
Asian peninsula |
Lawrence of ____ |
Dromedary's home |
It's rich in oil |
Oman's peninsula |
Saracens' milieu |
Major oil source |
Whence Lawrence? |
Boot-shaped land |
Desert peninsula |
Lawrence's place |
Aladdin" setting |
Qatar's peninsula |
Dubai's peninsula |
Largest peninsula |
Where Saudis live |
Eastern peninsula |
Lawrence's milieu |
Yemen's peninsula |
Mecca's peninsula |
Red Sea peninsula |
Mideast peninsula |
Persian Gulf land |
Country, Saudi ... |
Dromedary's domain |
Kuwait's peninsula |
Oil-rich peninsula |
Birthplace of Islam |
Lawrence's hangout? |
Locale for Lawrence |
Lawrence's peninsula |
Mideastern peninsula |
Lawrence's territory |
Source of some coffee |
TE Lawrence's milieu? |
Whence comes Lawrence |
Where Lawrence fought |
Middle East peninsula |
Site of Hejaz and Nejd |
Persian Gulf peninsula |
T.E. Lawrence's domain |
Land shaped like a boot |
Saudi __ (Mideast land) |
Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, etc. |
Southwest Asian peninsula |
Yemen, Qatar, Oman et al. |
1962 Best Picture setting |
World's largest peninsula |
Land bordering Mesopotamia |
Saudi ___ (Mideast nation) |
Petroleum-packed peninsula |
Peninsula near the Red Sea |
Southwestern Asia peninsula |
Lawrence of ___" (1962 epic) |
Arid expanse of western Asia |
Air ___ (Middle East airline) |
Home of Ishmael's descendants |
Where the Ishmaelites dwelled |
1962 Best Picture title locale |
Site of the Great Sandy Desert |
Largest peninsula in the world. |
Peninsula bordered by the Red Sea |
Peninsular home of Oman and Yemen |
Where T.E. Lawrence was stationed |
Setting for the 1962 Best Picture |
All the perfumes of ___...": Shak. |
Scheherazade's storytelling locale |
Home of the descendants of Ishmael |
Lawrence of ___": 1962 Oscar winner |
Saudi ___ (country that borders Iraq and Oman) |