
151 clues
Sleep ___
Bedtime woe
Sleep malady
Sleeping woe
Breathing woe
Nighttime woe
REM disrupter
Sleep ailment
Sleep anomaly
Sleep trouble
Snoring cause
Sleeper's woe
Sleep problem
Doze disrupter
Problem in bed
Sleeping issue
Loss of breath
Sleep disorder
Snoring problem
Sleep lab topic
Sleep lab focus
Sleep disrupter
Sleep lab study
Sleep disturber
Sleeper's malady
Sleeping trouble
Snorer's problem
Sleep disruption
Sleeping problem
Breathing problem
Breath suspension
Sleeper's concern
Breathing trouble
It'll keep you up
Sleep lab concern
Snorer's disorder
Breathless state?
Nighttime problem
Sleeper's problem
Sleeping disorder
Sleep interrupter
Sleep lab subject
Sleep disturbance
Breathing anomaly
Breathing disorder
Respiratory arrest
Sleep clinic focus
Sleep irregularity
Cause of a wake-up
Nighttime disorder
Sleep-clinic study
Sleep clinic topic
It's breath-taking
Respiration problem
Respiratory ailment
Cessation of breath
CPAP machine target
Shortness of breath
Sleeping affliction
Halt in respiration
Sleep study subject
Common sleep problem
Lack of inspiration?
Nocturnal affliction
Problem during sleep
Snoring cause, often
Trouble in the night
Breathless condition
Sleeper's difficulty
It may cause snoring
Sleep clinic concern
Cause of an awakening
Interrupted breathing
Problem for a bulldog
Sleep study diagnosis
Trouble in bed, maybe
Nocturnal disturbance
Certain sleep problem
Cessation of breathing
Literally, "breathless
Nighttime irregularity
Snoring cause, perhaps
Heavy snorer's problem
Breathing interruption
Breathing irregularity
It might make you snort
Sleep lab concentration
Sleep breathing problem
Snorer's problem, maybe
Snorer's problem, often
Suspension of breathing
Common sleeping disorder
Problem in bed, for some
Snorer's disorder, maybe
Temporary breathlessness
Temporary loss of breath
It takes your breath away
Pulmonologist's diagnosis
Short breathing cessation
Sometime sleep phenomenon
Concern for some sleepers
Snorer's problem, perhaps
Cause of sleep disturbance
Nocturnal problem, usually
Snorer's disorder, perhaps
Dangerous sleeping disorder
Reason to see a hypnologist
Sleeping disorder, for some
Nighttime breathing problem
It'll take your breath away
Sleeper's breathing problem
It may take your breath away
Common disorder for bulldogs
Subject of a sleep lab study
Temporary breathing stoppage
Snorer's disorder, sometimes
Nighttime breathing disorder
It might keep you up at night
Temporary halt in respiration
Breathing trouble during sleep
Temporary absence of breathing
Temporary lack of inspiration?
Sleep study diagnosis, perhaps
Breathing problems for sleepers
Diagnosis common among bulldogs
Inability to appreciate R.E.M.?
Cause of a rude awakening, maybe
It can put a stop to your dreams
Temporary cessation of breathing
Holding one's breath, essentially
Temporary suspension of breathing
Intake interruption while asleep?
Subject of a sleep study, perhaps
Transient cessation of respiration
Certain source of nighttime arousal
Literally, Greek for "without breath
Problem that some people have in bed
Problem usually encountered at night
Cessation of breathing, for a sleeper
Sleep problem characterized by snoring
Sleep ___ (nighttime breathing disorder)
Sleep problem treated with a CPAP device
What might prevent you from staying out?
Problem treated with adaptive servo-ventilation
Sleep disorder that means "breathless" in Greek
Sleep problem from the Greek for "absence of breathing
International Association for the Development of ___ (organization that oversees the sport of freediving)
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