Eon |
Era |
Cure |
Spot |
Iron |
Group |
Legal |
Years |
Cycle |
Ripen |
Epoch |
Mature |
Period |
Season |
Atomic |
Mellow |
Vintage |
Develop |
Gray __ |
Antique |
Old ___ |
___ ice |
See 66A |
Senesce |
Go gray |
ID info |
Bio bit |
Space __ |
Grow up! |
Ingested |
21 or 50 |
50, e.g. |
Get gray |
__ limit |
18 or 30 |
25 or 44 |
Caducity |
Bio info |
Maturate |
18 or 21 |
21, e.g. |
___-jazz |
Timespan |
Maturity |
Bio stat |
Grow old |
Time ___ |
Long time |
Dog's ___ |
Get hoary |
Get riper |
Grow gray |
Lifetime? |
Obsolesce |
Old data? |
Ice, e.g. |
Add years |
Antiquate |
Gray, say |
Show wear |
Turn gray |
Life time |
Longevity |
Bio datum |
_____ Day |
Get along |
Get older |
Middle ___ |
Bio figure |
Get mature |
I.D. datum |
Stone ____ |
Voting ___ |
Get grayer |
Major span |
Ripen, say |
Timepiece? |
Bronze ___ |
Form query |
Become old |
Grow older |
Noun suffix |
Wine factor |
Time-period |
Golden ____ |
Survey info |
Appropriate |
21, for one |
A/S/L datum |
Bar barrier |
Become gray |
Become ripe |
Day partner |
Digital ___ |
Ice or teen |
Kind of old |
Mature wine |
Mellow, say |
Near death? |
Obit number |
Part of ASL |
Cake number |
Ice or Iron |
Grow mature |
Iron or ice |
Stone, e.g. |
Census info |
One's years |
History bit |
Census stat |
Obstruction |
Candle count |
Time of life |
___-specific |
Antique, say |
Century, say |
Dark or iron |
Drinking ___ |
Fake ID info |
Ice, for one |
Iron or teen |
Named period |
Voting issue |
We all do it |
Become older |
Candle total |
Dating datum |
Ice or Stone |
Live longer? |
Get up there |
Go gray, say |
Grow wizened |
Scotch datum |
Survey blank |
39, to Benny |
Put on years |
Get mellower |
Notable span |
Big ___ time |
Census datum |
'Get -- on!' |
___ of Reason |
17, for Lorde |
Beauty leader |
Birthday spec |
Birthday stat |
Census number |
Cheese factor |
Coming of ___ |
Obituary info |
Point in life |
Stone or teen |
Student datum |
Teen or dog's |
Take on years |
Wrinkle maker |
Become grayer |
Gain maturity |
Mellow, maybe |
Résumé info |
Span in years |
Timeline unit |
Years of life |
Years to date |
Kind of group |
Stage of life |
Wine improver |
Kind of limit |
Jazz, for one |
Stone or Iron |
Iron or Stone |
Become mature |
Historic time |
Lose freshness |
Industrial ___ |
Gray, in a way |
Teen or golden |
Actuarial stat |
Aquarius, e.g. |
Birthday query |
eHarmony datum |
Facebook datum |
Geologic study |
Get saggy, say |
Go gray, maybe |
Golden or teen |
Gray naturally |
Improve cheese |
Iron or Golden |
It's "crabbed. |
Jazz follower? |
Length of life |
Personal datum |
Scotch concern |
Stone or dog's |
Store, as wine |
Sweet 16, e.g. |
Turn gray, say |
Wear thin, say |
Winery concern |
__ restriction |
Golden" period |
Dating concern |
Fossil feature |
Gray gradually |
Growing number |
Information __ |
Obituary datum |
Stone, for one |
Woman's secret |
Years on earth |
Yellow or gray |
___ of consent |
Allow to ripen |
Birthday count |
Birthday years |
Epoch division |
Fatigue factor |
We all do this |
Amount of time |
Carnival guess |
Historical era |
Bronze or Iron |
Birthday topic |
Iron or Bronze |
Wisdom bringer |
Generation ___ |
Notable period |
Important time |
Memorable time |
Period of time. |
Bronze, for one |
Weaken, perhaps |
Mellow, perhaps |
___ progression |
Act your _____! |
Allow to mature |
Atomic or Space |
Bronze or Stone |
Consent measure |
Demography item |
Get gray, maybe |
Go through life |
Golden or dog's |
Improve pilsner |
Leave to mature |
License number? |
Number in icing |
Personal number |
Personnel datum |
Prepare tobacco |
Reason, for one |
Secret for some |
Sit in a barrel |
Stone or coon's |
Yellow in a way |
Actuary's datum |
Consent concern |
Mature or ripen |
Match.com datum |
Mellow, as wine |
Ripen, as fruit |
Birthday figure |
Cultural period |
Golden, for one |
Have a birthday |
Survey question |
Actuarial datum |
Stone or Bronze |
Census question |
How old you are |
Birthday number |
Mature, as wine |
Historical span |
Get on in years |
Time in history |
Vital statistic |
Geologic period |
Historic period |
Month of Sundays |
____ of Aquarius |
242, for the USA |
86 is a high one |
A partner of day |
Application item |
Biography figure |
Birthday subject |
Brandy statistic |
Cheese sharpener |
Delicate subject |
Get on, in a way |
Go gray, perhaps |
Improve, as beef |
It can't go down |
Keep in a barrel |
Move up in life? |
Old information? |
Process in a way |
Zsa Zsa's secret |
A matter of time |
Accumulate years |
Beauty preceder? |
Carder's request |
Chronology datum |
Go over the hill |
Golden or Bronze |
Grow more mature |
Improve, perhaps |
Noteworthy years |
Reason to retire |
Actuarial figure |
Jack Benny's 39? |
Keep in a cellar |
Mellow, in a way |
Turn gray, maybe |
Advance in years |
Pollster's query |
Ripen, as cheese |
Application info |
Biographical bit |
It may be golden |
Improve, as wine |
Time to remember |
Census statistic |
Important period |
Slice of history |
___ of discretion |
18+ to vote, e.g. |
Beauty's preceder |
Biographical info |
Carbon-date, e.g. |
Coming-of-__ film |
Dating revelation |
Fine wine concern |
Grandma's "secret |
ID checker's info |
Live another year |
Pack on the years |
Pile on birthdays |
Secret, sometimes |
Sit at the winery |
Stand in a barrel |
Starlet's secret? |
Sum of all years? |
Sweet 16, for one |
The "17" in NC-17 |
The "a" in "a/s/l |
The Jazz, for one |
A number of years |
Bringer of wisdom |
Cake candle count |
Form datum, often |
Get better, maybe |
It may be awkward |
Mature, as cheese |
Single-malt datum |
Sit in the cellar |
Bouncer's concern |
Bring to maturity |
Epoch subdivision |
Improve, as steak |
Retirement factor |
Some lie about it |
Suffix with block |
Dating site datum |
Mellow, as cheese |
Actuary's concern |
Approach maturity |
Insurance concern |
Time of existence |
Application entry |
Years since birth |
Demographic datum |
Cause of wrinkles |
Develop over time |
Geologic division |
Time of your life |
Period of history |
Geological period |
Historical period |
Application factor |
Baby boomer's bane |
Beauty antecedent? |
Become more mellow |
Birthday card info |
Birthday statistic |
Cause of wrinkling |
Display longevity? |
Ever-rising number |
Grow gray, perhaps |
One of man's seven |
Ripen, like cheese |
Show signs of wear |
Sore spot for some |
Space-___ (modern) |
Twain's Gilded ___ |
Wine improver, say |
Years you've lived |
Historian's period |
Improve, as scotch |
It may be advanced |
Stage of existence |
Get some seasoning |
Questionnaire item |
Get along in years |
Legal drinking ___ |
Wine consideration |
Become more mature |
Questionnaire info |
Eligibility factor |
Historical chapter |
Biographical datum |
Stretch of history |
Improve, as cheese |
Distinctive period |
Oenophile's concern |
Cause of some lines |
122 is a record one |
39, for yours truly |
Be unlike Peter Pan |
Biographical figure |
Cake's candle count |
Carbon dating datum |
Carbon dating guess |
Coming-of-___ story |
Datum for a bouncer |
Fine wine attribute |
Ice or Stone chaser |
Innocence or Reason |
It always increases |
It creeps up on one |
It goes up annually |
It may bring wisdom |
It's "only a number |
Jack Benny's secret |
Jack Benny's was 39 |
Make cheddar better |
Medical form number |
Medical-record info |
Preceder of beauty? |
Questionnaire topic |
Sharpener of cheese |
Stone or Iron, e.g. |
Tree ring statistic |
Wikipedia bio datum |
Word with Victorian |
39, for Derek Jeter |
A cause of grayness |
Candle count, often |
Get better, as wine |
Have more birthdays |
New or old follower |
Sweet sixteen, e.g. |
Bartender's concern |
Number of birthdays |
Application inquiry |
Cause of some spots |
Some keep it secret |
Topic of many a lie |
Time of one's life? |
Improve, as whiskey |
Scotch bottle datum |
Questionnaire datum |
Wine buyer's concern |
Oenologist's concern |
Acquire lines maybe |
34 for Ruth, in 1929 |
44, for Winona Ryder |
54, for Barack Obama |
55, for Barack Obama |
Bart Simpson's is 10 |
Census form question |
Census info, in part |
Get better, in a way |
Guessing game target |
Ice or Iron follower |
Inference from an ID |
Iron or ice follower |
It's 'just a number' |
Killers "Day and ___ |
Minor concern, maybe |
Nothing but a number |
One, for little ones |
Sit in a wine cellar |
Sore point, for some |
Subject of many lies |
Ten, to Bart Simpson |
Travel through time? |
Tree ring revelation |
Tree-ring count, say |
What some laws limit |
What tree rings show |
Whiskey bottle datum |
Wikipedia bio tidbit |
Wine lover's concern |
10, for Bart Simpson |
71, for Donald Trump |
Birthday cake number |
Birthday card figure |
Birthday card number |
Bracketing criterion |
Chronological period |
Gain another candle? |
Go from 0 to 60, say |
It may start to show |
Sit in a cellar, say |
Store in a cask, say |
Voting qualification |
Tree-ring indication |
Dating service datum |
Developmental period |
ID checker's concern |
''___ before beauty'' |
19, for Justin Bieber |
A number for everyone |
Acquire a patina, say |
Actuarial table datum |
Birthday card subject |
Bronze or Iron period |
Cake number, at times |
Candle representation |
Curriculum vitae item |
Dog's ____: long time |
Gain a few gray hairs |
Grow sharper, perhaps |
How long you've lived |
It goes before beauty |
It goes up every year |
It may be understated |
It's a matter of time |
Keep in a cellar, say |
Some lie about theirs |
The time of your life |
Tree ring count, e.g. |
Word with teen or old |
Application form info |
Beer seller's concern |
Birthday candle count |
Candle total, perhaps |
Develop wrinkles, say |
Live another 365 days |
Tree-rings indication |
What may improve wine |
Candle count, perhaps |
Get long in the tooth |
Get better in barrels |
Some do it gracefully |
It's often lied about |
Have another birthday |
Driver's license info |
Cause of some wrinkles |
Questionnaire question |
Type of discrimination |
The _____ of Innocence |
Application blank info |
Become better, as Brie |
Birth-certificate item |
Birthday candle number |
Bronze, Copper or Iron |
Candles representation |
Cause of a new wrinkle |
Factor in wine pricing |
Get better, as cheddar |
Hit 2002 animated film |
Improve, in some cases |
It increases each year |
It may follow drinking |
It's always increasing |
Kind of range or limit |
Museum estimate, maybe |
Put in the cellar, say |
Rude question, perhaps |
Secret stat, sometimes |
Sit in a cellar, maybe |
Social Security matter |
Start a gray mustache? |
Survey question, often |
What rings may signify |
Wilco "In a Future ___ |
Wine or cheese concern |
Wine selection concern |
Benny's 39, so he said |
Carbon dating estimate |
Common survey question |
Sit in a barrel, maybe |
Word with old or group |
Application form datum |
Word after iron or ice |
Ever-increasing number |
Historic time in music |
Kind of discrimination |
What tree rings denote |
Grow long in the tooth |
Historical time period |
Live to a ripe old ___ |
Sit in the wine cellar |
It comes before beauty |
Driver's license datum |
Application information |
The time of one's life? |
In this day and ___ ... |
Just a number," to some |
65, say, for retirement |
A dog's ___ (long time) |
AARP membership concern |
Carbon 14 determination |
Develop flavor, perhaps |
Figure often lied about |
Iron or silver follower |
It couldn't wither Cleo |
Keep in a cellar, maybe |
Kid Rock "Half Your ___ |
Make better, as cheddar |
Queens of the Stone ___ |
Ready whisky for market |
Something often guessed |
Space or Stone follower |
Store in casks, as wine |
The big four-O, for one |
Time of one's existence |
What rings may indicate |
Wisdom bringer, perhaps |
Carnival worker's guess |
Minor drinking problem? |
Strokes "The Modern ___ |
Twain's "The Gilded --- |
What candles may reveal |
Avengers: ___ of Ultron |
Basis of some divisions |
Actuarial table heading |
Touchy subject, to some |
When I was your ___ ... |
Add years to one's life |
Act your ___ (be mature) |
Always-increasing number |
Archaeologist's estimate |
Barrier to some websites |
Carbon-dating estimation |
Digits in icing, perhaps |
Get better, as much wine |
Intelligence test factor |
It's measured from birth |
Just a number, it's said |
Number in PG-13 or NC-17 |
Number that everyone has |
Peter Pan didn't do this |
Sensitive point for many |
Server's check, at times |
Sit in a cellar, perhaps |
The ___ of Enlightenment |
Touchy subject for Benny |
What comes before beauty |
Word after golden or old |
Word after Iron or Stone |
Word before or after old |
Word with Iron or Bronze |
Years that one has lived |
Birthday candle giveaway |
Bit of biographical info |
Number in icing, perhaps |
A dog's ___ (long spell) |
Basis for discrimination |
Carbon-dating revelation |
Guarded secret, for some |
Touchy subject, for some |
What candles may signify |
Sensitive subject, often |
What tree rings indicate |
21, for many new drinkers |
Antique dealer's estimate |
Application form question |
Beauty preceder, at times |
Common thing to fib about |
Common thing to lie about |
Elizabethan or Victorian. |
Ever-increasing statistic |
Golden or Gilded follower |
Green Day "The Static ___ |
Number on a birthday cake |
Number on a cake, perhaps |
One's time on this planet |
Social Security criterion |
Store with wooden barrels |
Suffix with peon or break |
What cake candles signify |
What candles may indicate |
Word after Iron or Bronze |
Archaeologist's reckoning |
Carbon dating calculation |
Delicate subject, to some |
Keep in a barrel, perhaps |
Yours changes once a year |
Approach AARP eligibility |
Paleontologist's estimate |
Number on a birthday card |
Mental or middle follower |
What candles may represent |
... dawning of the --- ... |
... of the ___ of Aquarius |
The ___ of Reason" (Paine) |
The Awkward ___": H. James |
6 or so, for first graders |
Carbon dater's calculation |
Category of discrimination |
Count of candles on a cake |
Delicate subject, for some |
It increases on a birthday |
It's just a number to some |
Nine months, for some tots |
Ripen, like wine or cheese |
Senior discount determiner |
Sensitive subject for some |
Seventeen or ninety-seven. |
Subject of a guessing game |
Subject to curing, perhaps |
Word with mental or middle |
Ice ___: Continental Drift |
Admission factor, at times |
Paine's "The ___ of Reason |
Something often lied about |
It's just a matter of time |
What Dorian Gray didn't do |
Methuselah's claim to fame |
Well-kept secret, for some |
Sensitive subject, to some |
Act your ___!" ("Grow up!") |
The ___ of Anxiety": Auden. |
The Gilded ___," 1873 novel |
Basis for a senior discount |
Better to do this than not? |
Calculation from tree rings |
Candle count, on many cakes |
Carbon dating determination |
Damn Yankees "Coming of ___ |
Drivers-license deduction |
Frequent subject of fibbing |
Greeting card figure, maybe |
Information from tree rings |
Insurance application datum |
Item on a driver's license. |
Little Orphan Annie's is 11 |
Movie restriction, at times |
Novelty birthday card topic |
Number that never decreases |
One cause of discrimination |
Scotch aficionado's concern |
What a tree's rings signify |
Word with middle and school |
Antiques Roadshow" estimate |
Improve, as wine and cheese |
It changes on your birthday |
One thing candles represent |
Secret of the vain, perhaps |
Something held in a bracket |
Improve, in the wine cellar |
The Gilded __" (Twain novel) |
Beauty preceder, in a phrase |
Candles-on-a-cake indication |
Carbon dater's determination |
Constantly increasing number |
Gray, or this puzzle's theme |
Ice, Iron or Bronze follower |
It makes the elderly elderly |
It's just a number, they say |
It's only a number, they say |
Lied-about figure, sometimes |
New, old or nuclear follower |
Number of candles on a cake? |
Numbered days for a newborn? |
Old ___ (late stage of life) |
Sensitive conversation topic |
Six, say, for a first-grader |
Some people lie about theirs |
Ticket pricing factor, often |
Wisdom bringer, so it's said |
Word following Bronze or old |
The ___ of Innocence" (1993) |
Acquire wisdom, so it's said |
Negotiate a figurative hill? |
Stone ___ (prehistoric time) |
Yours gets a yearly increase |
Beauty preceder, in a saying |
Number on a driver's license |
Basis of some discrimination |
Driver's license information |
___ out of (grow too old for) |
18, for many college freshmen |
Archaeologist's determination |
Basis for some discrimination |
Cause of many unwelcome lines |
Jim Croce song about growing? |
Most hope to do it gracefully |
Social Security determination |
What birthday candles signify |
What candles on a cake reveal |
Word after drinking or voting |
___ cannot wither her": Shak. |
What candles sometimes reveal |
13, for a bar mitzvah honoree |
Typical questionnaire question |
''Iron'' or ''Stone'' follower |
39, perpetually, to Jack Benny |
Auden's ''The ___ of Anxiety'' |
Basis of some ticket discounts |
Bringer of wisdom, so they say |
Bronze or Golden, historically |
Come of ___ (turn 18, perhaps) |
Get better, in the wine cellar |
Harry Styles's is currently 20 |
Info on a day-care application |
It may be indicated by candles |
Keep in an oak barrel, perhaps |
Line in a day care application |
Number on many a birthday card |
Number that can never decrease |
Number that never gets smaller |
Retirement calculator variable |
The "13" in PG-13, for example |
Touchy subject, to some people |
What cake candles may indicate |
What rings reveal about a tree |
You may not want to show yours |
In this day and ___ (nowadays) |
Line on a day-care application |
Wharton's "The __ of Innocence |
Admission restriction, usually |
What birthday candles represent |
100 or above, for a centenarian |
Basis of illegal discrimination |
Blink-182 "What's My ___ Again? |
Cake's candle count, frequently |
Come of ___ (reach 21, perhaps) |
Eligibility criterion, at times |
Factor in some admission prices |
Frequent admission price factor |
Ice is one, information another |
It might be checked at the door |
It's just a number, in a saying |
It's just a number, so they say |
Personal identification number? |
Preceder of beauty, in a saying |
Take another trip round the sun |
The Stone ___ (prehistoric era) |
Thirteen, for a bar mitzvah boy |
What could not wither Cleopatra |
What some prefer to keep secret |
In this day and ___ (currently) |
Rocker's secret stat, sometimes |
What candles at a party signify |
Transformers: ___ of Extinction |
43 for Jimmy Fallon, as of today |
How many years you've been alive |
It can be concealed cosmetically |
It comes before beauty, snarkily |
It's revealed by your birth date |
Possible basis of discrimination |
Question asked when registering. |
What candles on a cake represent |
What candles sometimes represent |
What counting candles may reveal |
What the rings signify on a tree |
Sixty-five for retirement, often |
Three, for Kentucky Derby horses |
It's brought up on your birthday |
It may be concealed cosmetically |
At least 35, for a U.S. president |
Factor in life insurance premiums |
Focus of many birthday-card jokes |
It comes before beauty, it's said |
It comes up on someone's birthday |
Number of years you've been alive |
Number that changes on a birthday |
Number written on a birthday cake |
What a bouncer checks your ID for |
What liver spots may be a sign of |
Word with information, new or old |
2011 minus year of birth, roughly |
18, e.g., as a minimum for voting |
Number some are not straight with |
Number that changes once per year |
Act your ___, not your shoe size! |
It goes before beauty, so they say |
The Stone ___ (prehistoric period) |
Well-kept secret, for some rockers |
Subject of some youth sports fraud |
Twain's "issue of mind over matter |
It goes before beauty, in a saying |
It separates the men from the boys |
___ of Empires" (video game series) |
35, minimally, for a U.S. president |
Item revealed on a driver's license |
Little League eligibility criterion |
Number of years since you were born |
Number that increases on a birthday |
Queens of the Stone ___ (rock band) |
Voting ___ (Amendment XXVI concern) |
What Benjamin Button does backwards |
Thirteen, for a bar mitzvah honoree |
Art Official ___" (new Prince album) |
Avengers: ___ of Ultron" (2015 film) |
Some things just get better with ___ |
About 4.6 billion years, for the sun |
Go from octogenarian to nonagenarian |
Progress toward maximum drinkability |
Queens of the Stone ___ (rock group) |
Some people prefer to keep it secret |
Art Official ___" (2014 Prince album) |
35, as a minimum to be U.S. president |
Edith Wharton's "The ___ of Innocence |
Jack Benny's was 39 for several years |
Suffix for units of length and weight |
What a bartender might check on an ID |
What carbon dating can help determine |
The Ice ___," book by Margaret Drabble |
10, for 1973 Oscar winner Tatum O'Neal |
18+, e.g., in order to be able to vote |
5 or 6, for a kindergartner, typically |
Number sometimes represented by candles |
old ___ sticks (e.e. cummings poem) |
Word that can follow "Stone" or "Bronze |
What some golfers use as a scoring goal |
Ice ___: Continental Drift" (2012 movie) |
It brings wisdom and drinking privileges |
Francis Bacon said it "will not be defied |
35 is the minimum one to be U.S. president |
Stone ___ (when "The Flintstones" was set) |
The ___ of Innocence" (Edith Wharton book) |
89, for Hugh Hefner ... or 29, for his wife |
Sensitive piece of personal data, sometimes |
Talking Heads "From the __ of the dinosaurs |
Just a number," according to a common saying |
Increasingly touchy subject, as it increases |
It "goeth its way on triple feet": Aeschylus |
Number that can be deduced from a birth date |
What you can tell by counting a tree's rings |
Ice ___: The Meltdown" (2006 animated sequel) |
What some older golfers use as a scoring goal |
What the candles on a birthday cake represent |
What the number of birthday candles indicates |
What the number of birthday candles signifies |
The ___ of Adaline" (2015 Blake Lively movie) |
Bit of Facebook info often entered facetiously |
Everyone has one, and some people's IS one!!!! |
Inaccurate info on many online dating profiles |
What the number of birthday candles represents |
Important datum for Social Security eligibility |
Number that changes for each person once a year |
What a number-shaped birthday candle represents |
___ of Empires" (Microsoft computer game series) |
Middle ___ (time of life for people in their 50s) |
We are always the same ___ inside": Gertrude Stein |
18 or so, for a typical first-year college student |
Ice ___: Collision Course" (upcoming animated movie) |
What a number denotes on the front of a birthday card |
A very high price to pay for maturity," per Tom Stoppard |
What the number of candles on a birthday cake represents |
Meet the Flintstones, they're the modern Stone ___ family |
It's "not important unless you're a cheese," per Helen Hayes |
Ice ___" (animated film franchise starring Ray Romano and Queen Latifah) |
Number which some would have you believe ends in 9 much more often than it ends in 0 |
___ is an issue of mind over matter.If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." (Mark Twain) |